I’ve sunk to an all new low begging strangers for money. I’ve thought of clever ways to get the money I need but I just can’t fathom selling nude pics or feet pics for cash. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ll start at the beginning I guess. On may 28 2008 my beautiful son Leo turned 5. That night he started having seizures and was rushed to a hospital where after multiple tests they discovered he had a brain tumor. Two months later when they removed it they inform his father(my husband) and I that our beautiful blue eyed boy had stage four glioblastoma. Brain cancer. A unsurvivable deadly cancer. About 5% made it past 5 years. Leo made it 5 years and 2 weeks. His little soul left his beautiful body on June 15 2013 as I lay next to him sleeping. The worst day of mine and my husband’s life. I should also mention that on December 29 2009 as my husband drove home after working a 12 hour day he was hit by a punk 19 year old kid who was speeding and blew through a four way stop straight into my husbands car. It took the rescuers 2 hours to remove him from the car then they airlifted him to Harborview hospital in Seattle where he was for over a month. He had a broken neck, broke left arm and both his legs were so mangled the doctors didn’t think they could save them. Thank god they were able to after multiple surgeries. My husband couldn’t work for a whole year and I was a stay at home mom taking care of our sick child and our older son and now also a caregiver to my husband. The kid that hit him had no insurance the only money we got that entire year was from our car insurance company. So we eventually fell behind on our mortgage. Eventually we were foreclosed on in 2015 and forced to leave the home we had tried to raise our sons in. After that we had to file bankruptcy to unload the crippling debt from the house and the 100’s of thousands dollars in doctors bills. My husband recently had to have a hip replacement caused from the accident so we still are paying for this accident that wasn’t his fault out of our own pockets years later. For a couple years we rented a nice home from some friends until they had to sell it to save the home they live in. So we had to move into my in laws house where we currently are now. Before that move we were given the biggest surprise of our lives…I was pregnant (completely unplanned) at 37 years old. The next day after finding out about the pregnancy I found out my husband had been cheating on me for years. I wanted to die. I still want to die when I think about it. I decided to stay with him and have our baby. I have to add that I honestly had nowhere I could go anyway. I was stuck. But I was blessed with a beautiful daughter who looks just like her brother Leo. It’s like he sent her to me because he knew I needed her to survive. She’s absolutely beautiful. The day of her birth we were told she had a cleft palate. She’s had a few surgeries to repair it and will have to have more surgeries in the future. She is in speech therapy and has had to have a couple sets of tubes out in her ears because the cleft had caused some hearing loss. So you can imagine the doctor bills form that. So now to my current situation. We are supposed to be saving money to try to buy a house so we can move out of my in-laws. And they are starting to become vocal about how they would like that to happen soon. But we still have debt and cannot afford a mortgage payment and can’t even afford to pay the outrageous rent that people are charging nowadays. We have about $35,000 in debt that until that’s payed off we are stuck. Everyday I feel like I’m drowning and running out of air. I have no one to turn to and honestly I’m not having the best thoughts lately. I’m so tired of fighting my way through life and getting nowhere. We can’t catch a break ever. I just need a break. I don’t understand why life has been so hard for us. But if someone out there can take pity on us and help us out I can’t even describe how grateful I would be. And I would try to do something good in return for someone else at some point in the future. Pay it forward. Please consider helping us. All I want is to give my little girl a home she can be proud of. I want a home with my family. I just want to be happy. If anyone makes it all the way through this pitiful story thank you for even taking the time to read about my pathetic life. The pic is of my beautiful angel Leo.
My PayPal account is
That’s my husbands name. I hope I did the link thing right. Im an idiot when it comes to online stuff. Thank you.