Hi, my name is Wendy and I am 52 years old. I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read my request.
I do not normally ask for help because I am the one that usually helps others. I currently have found myself in a financial bind and need to put my pride aside and all people to help me for a chance.
I have had to have had two surgeries and have not been able to pay the balance and have been put in collections with Kaiser. I was diagnosed with Melanoma cancer on my chest back in December of 2020 and had it removed on 1/17/2021 and am happy to report that I have since been cancer free ever sincec the surgery. I had to go many follow up appointments until I was given the green light for a annual follow up. I then had a 8.9cm mass removed from my lower back in December of 2021 which turned out to be a Lypoma and not cancerours which I was greatful for. With all the surgeries, the lab work, the MRIs and the follow up appointments, the bills just keep adding up.
My daughter and I moved home to help my mom so she would not loose her home and now I feel like I have to make a choice, to either pay the mortgage or make a payment towards my medical bills. My mother, my daughter, my nephew and myself all pay a portion of the mortgage but my mom just recently got sick with Phneumonia and I had to take care of her portion now that she is feeling better and is able to go back to work, she will be able to take care of her portion but yesterday my daguther lost her job and we were in the middle of refinancing the house so I could take some money out to pay off all my debt. Now that she lost her job we will not be able to get the refinancing done and I am going to have to take on her portion until she either finds another job or her Unemployment kicks in. It just seems like no matter how many steps forward I take to get my finaces in order I keep getting pushed back 3 additonal steps.
As I stated above, I would not ask for help if I absolutely did not need it. It would be greatly appreciated, I do not want Kaiser to send me to collecitons, but I can not at this time afford to pay my medical bills, the mortgage and my personal bills with the prices of food and fuel going up.
Thank you in advance.