I am a 44 year old woman who just had a hysterectomy in May. I’m reaching out for financial help with my medical bills related to this issue.
Here’s my abridged story. I came from extreme poverty and a highly abusive and traumatic childhood. I’m the oldest of six children. All of us have been in foster care at least once and the last three where adopted out.
I’ve spent my life caring for everyone around me including my abusive mother. I’ve constantly had a job my whole life and have worked very hard. I finally got out of poverty about ten years ago and have been working to fix my credit and I have a dream of one day owning my own home.
A little over two years ago I woke up to the most intense pain in my abdomen. I was home for three days in excruciating agony before I agreed to go to the hospital. They gave me something for the pain and began a battery of tests . After four days in the hospital and the pain finally gone, they decided my thyroid was the issue and that it made my ovaries swell to three times it’s normal size.
I had no insurance and that visit cost me $7,000. I have not been able to pay that yet. Last year before Christmas I had another ” episode”. I tried to go to urgent care and told them my ovaries where acting up again. They treated me like I was crazy and like a drug seeker. So I went to the ER.
This time they found a mass in my ovary. I still didn’t have insurance. This visit cost $5,000. I went and got insurance.
I got in with an amazing OBGYN who got me in for a surgery fairly quickly after my insurance went into affect.
From January until my surgery in May I had many episodes of pain that kept me from work. I used up my sick time as fast as I earned it.
I’m a dog Trainer at a big box pet store and earn commissions. I had an client list of 75 pet parents. I was making decent commissions before my surgery.
After my surgery I learned I was riddled with endometriosis. That was the mass in my ovary. It was also on my bladder, bowels, and in my abdomen.
The surgery went well and I healed nicely. I haven’t had any of that pain since.
My insurance covered 50% of the costs. My bill for the surgery is $7,000.
Now I’m suffering with hormonal changes that have disrupted my mental health. I’m now depressed and sometimes suicidal. I’m seeking therapy for that but it’s impossible to find a provider that takes my insurance or that has an opening this year.
My job restructured how it allocates labor hours and it makes it impossible for me to get my client list back to where it was. I lost half my income with those commissions. I have no savings, no nest egg, nothing. I live paycheck to paycheck.
I’m here reaching out as a last ditch effort to anyone that can help. I’m drowning in medical debt now and I’m watching my dream of having a home die.
I was doing so good and had come so far before I got sick. I hit a major set back that is detrimental to my credit and my mental health. I just need a little help if any one feels I’m worth the chance.
I appreciate your kind heart and concerdation.