Hi, my name is Duha and I am a cancer patient. I have diagnosed with colon cancer stage four and unfortunately it spread to my liver. After I talked to my oncologist who told me that they are not able to offer me any kind of treatment at the Cancer Center because my body was not able to tolerate the chemotherapy. I had severe allergy reaction, so had to look for experimental treatments outside Canada and after two weeks of communication, emails and calls The choice fell on a hospital specializing in immunotherapy for cancer CHIPSA in Mexico. On February 15th, I went to Mexico for treatment for three weeks. During the three weeks, I had about 90 sessions of different kinds of treatment including low doses of Chemotherapy”IPT”, Immunotherapy and Naturopathic therapy. The first week was the hardest because I was in pain and fatigued, but the symptoms continue to get better later. At the end of the third week, I got better and the rectal bleeding stopped, but she still keep with home treatment. I brought with us three months’ supply of home immunotherapy treatment which were Additional expenses that were not taken into account. The home treatment plans will end by June and I will have to go back for a follow-up for additional week of treatment. I refuse to die as my family needs me, I used to work in my restaurant and now I can’t. I spent all the money that I have on the treatment and I have debts. A gift of any amount would mean the world to me. It would also mean a lot if you could share my fundraiser link on social media. The more exposure I get, the faster I will reach my fundraising goal.