I have exhausted all avenues for care here in Alaska I am trying to raise money so I can go to the Cleveland Clinic. Once I am seen there hopefully they will have some doctors or treatments. October of 2016 my life changed for what looks like forever now. I was at work at a High School in the special education department as a teaching assistant, in my last year to get my master’s degree in special education for kids that have behavioral problems. I was happy pursing my dream. Then that day happened. I had never felt this feeling. I had pressure in my chest, shaking, almost gasping. Then it started to feel like I was being choked out and I could not see because of the tunnel vision. I collapsed. I had iust had my first anaphylactic reaction. While there are so many layers and incidents that have happened since the first time, I will keep this short and if you would ever like to hear the whole story. I am open. It is a doozy: it leaves every person I have ever told flabbergasted
Back to 2016. The only difference that happened that day was someone brought in a dog and all her puppies. I had a slight allergy I thought. I was injected with epi and swept away via EMS to hospital, not just once but three times. This is the golden ticket to an ICU stay. Anything over three epinephrine is an ICU stay. This happened two more times and then 1 had to quit my job for safety reasons. I have had reactions at every workplace since. You are still a little bit confused, what caused the anaphylaxis. Dogs.
Does caused it. I am allergic to dogs, dander, fur, hair saliva. I do not have to be in the presence, just be on a person, in a small, enclosed space. Within minutes anaphylaxis and I am getting iniection after injection. I lose consciousness.
Since that day I have had thirteen anaplastic reactions. Yes, 13 ICU stays, 12 EMS rides, my last reaction it took seven epis to get four miles to the hospital. Now, these are situations before EMS and hospital arrival. So, who is injecting me and giving me air? My husband, and my two teenage children. They are first to react and have saved my life so many times.
The past five years have been brutal. Doctors throughout diagnosis and medication because they have no idea. I am passed from provider to provider. Over 150 medication changes, at least twenty doctors Then my last hope on this one provider, called me at 9:30PM in April of 2021. She found something! I have what is called Selective Immunoglobin M and G with all subclasses, it is extremely rare. My body is in a full-on revolt against itself. On top of SIGM, I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Ehlers Danlos, Celiac disease, severe fibromyalgia, along with others. I have good days and bad days. I have flair ups often and am having to take medication that makes it impossible sometimes to even get out of bed for days. This includes food sensitivities, one day I will have an allergic reaction to certain foods mangos, apple, meat) and a week or so later I am fine to consume. The only constant is canines. Certain breads are worse than others
In March of 2021 I was in a car accident. I went to the ER twice; I was given a chest Xray the first time and an ultrasound the second (to which the DR wrote the results of my US as a CT and I had to argue with my PC that I had not had a CT. The attending ER nurse told me I did this to myself; I am a junkie). Finally, after two months a CT was done, I had a dual spinal fracture on my L5-S1 and a 3mm slipped disc. I needed surgery quickly. I had surgery with OPA in June. I have a hiatal hernia now and my liver is enlarged still and above my diaphragm. It still is almost unbearable.
One year ago, I began Immunoglobin Infusion Therapy ($15,000). One time a month I go into Anchorage and get my infusion. I am there for three hours. This last month the DR added another medication (Xolair $34,000) and it is injected to my belly, and I am there for two hours. The cost of these medication is obscene, and I need them every month for the rest of my life if it works. On top of the dailv medication. I must take. All treatments, visits, and medications are in the hundreds of thousands, and this is just my medication care, my children and hubs need care as well
Since 2016 when this journey has begun, we have been on a financial roller coaster. I am unable to work and still waiting on Social Security (been over a year) and that really made us take a huge hit financially We took out a $40.000 escrow loans for medical visits and treatments. We have maxed out all credit cards $25,000, $8,000, $500, $6000, $1000. We even have had to apply for more cards just to pay for services or they will not see me. The medical care prices in Alaska make it impossible to get ahead because once you get sick then you are pulled under for your debt and they do not work with you.
Matsu Regional put a lien on my home for medical bills. On top of those bills we have our normal bills; house, utility, gas, food, phones ect..
In addition to all this we have been granted custody of my teenage niece she fled her home for safely from illicit substances. She will be with us until she is an adult
Please help. My family is begging for help. We need the patience and understanding from a business that understands when patients are sinking but need care. We are trying so hard to pay everything, but we cannot.
Thank you for your time. Please consider my family for financial hardship.