Hello, I am requesting some financial help. I am a 45 year old single dad of three. I take care of three kids, from three different dads. The other two aren’t involved.
I have a 15 year old autistic son and I have a 13 year old daughter who just started her “maturing” phase in life that I’m trying to help her figure out and then I have my 9 year old biological daughter.
I recently lost my career due to downsizing. I worked for a Pharmacy, where I had intended on retiring from, after 18 years. I am currently on Medicaid and now my doctors have denied services to me because they don’t take my insurance. I have an insulin pump and use 2 bottles of Humalog per month. My insurance pays for that currently but my doctor won’t send refills to the pharmacy. I tried refilling my Dexcom sensors and Transmitter and MediCal/Medicaid is requiring a prior-auth, which my doctors will not accommodate for me. The sensors alone are about $1200 a month. Not even sure about the transmitter for them to make my pump work how it should. My sugar levels have been over 500-600 since not having the Dexcom over the last 13 days.
I feel awful for asking but I have been hurting like this and I’m trying to be the great dad that I am to my amazing kids. They have been a part of my life for the last 13 years and I love all three of them with all my heart.
I am requesting $3200 so that I can pay for medical supplies and my electric bill, which is close to $900. I have explored all avenues with programs to assist with payment plans but every road has been blocked for one reason or another.
This will be a one-time request only. I’ve had two fantastic job interviews last week and I’m hoping that another one is on its way soon. I should have real benefits again soon but I may be in a precarious situation for the next month or two.
Thank you so much in advance.