Hi, thanks alot if you are able to help me with medical money. I appreciate it. except I dont know the amount of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to try to ask for, cause i have many health problems, for decades, and I dont know how many treatments and which exact treatments it will take to hopefully get me to feeling better, and the nurse or doctor might not know either. i have alot better chance of getting better with natural medicines, then with drugs. because of how sick i am and hard to go to alot of doctor offices visits and because of my old blind dog who has bad separation anxiety, i am trying to get natural vitamin IV’s here at my home from this company website: www.mobileivmedics.com , except i would have to talk to their nurse if i could get money help and tell them about my health conditions and see which vitamin iv(s) they recommend for me, and see if they have any idea how many iv’s i would need or not, and i would have to pay them each time and get receipts and then i could send copies of the receipts to you somehow. and one other orthopedics doctor office of mine at www.sportsmedorthoinstitute.com , after they get a mri xray scan of my low back, and if they think that one of more healthy injections called platelet rich plasma might help my low back, then i could maybe use some money for that also, and i would have to ask them at the next appointment if that injection would maybe help any of my other pain problems also or not. so i dont know how this part works when requesting money help for natural medical treatments? and if you only give out a onetime amount? i havent been able to get money for natural medicine treatments, and all kinds of medical treatments are expensive. i hope i can type this long letter message, and i hope i can know when i get to at least 400 words. I am almost 62 years old, i am on disability. my health problems are pains and some arthritis and some stiffness in both shoulders and both hips and scalp and neck and low back and left hand and some numbness in my right foot and lower right leg. and bad depression and anxiety and fear, i have had some depression and some bad social anxiety since i was 5 years old, and nervous system disorder and insomnia and some memory trouble and some speech trouble and obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to locking doors and turning off water faucets and turning off light switches and some dizziness and central pain syndrome, which is some damage somewhere in my nervous system and it sometimes gives me like a sunburn feeling on my body and upper arms and upper legs and neck. and keep battling against tooth and gum pains and stomach pain and one leg 3/4 of a inch shorter and low energy and low will power and some blurred vision and constant ringing in my ears and im skin and bones, my height is 6-1 and my weight is 149 pounds. everyday is hard to get through, alot of suffering for along time, and harder and harder for me to walk around alot and i get euthanasia thoughts dozens of times a day, and some days maybe more then a 100 times a day, im trying to hang in there, but it is very hard and getting harder. and if i cant get better, then will have more and more misery. and one and a half months ago a car hit me in my car, it was their fault, that person fell asleep while driving, so now my shoulders and hips and neck and back and scalp and insomnia and dizziness is worse, and so far im not feeling better yet from chiropractor treatments and some physical therapy. and its hard on me to go get alot or treatments at doctors office. and the driver who hit me didnt have car insurance, i could only afford liability insurance, so now i dont have a car to drive, cause my car isnt fixable. so my car insurance paid me $3,500 to find another car someday. these are the names of the prescription drugs the doctors have me on, meloxicam, and codeine #3, and gabapentin, and clonazepam, and baclofen, and omeprazole, and paxil, and cymbalta, and mirtazapine and trazodone. the doctors i get the medications from are dr syed in hesperia CA, and dr
atkins in victorville CA and dr loomba in victorville CA. im partly thankful for these man made drugs, but drugs mostly dont heal, they mostly just help with symptoms of health problems, and they can help some bad side effects, like some of the drugs i take make my depression worse and make my stomach hurt. and the longer a person is on drugs and the more different kinds of drugs they take and the older the person gets, then the more the drugs destroy a persons body and brain health, kind of like people who take alot of street drugs. they are toxic. i have had to take the prescription drugs for 41 and a half years now. if i could get quite a bit of natural medicine treatments, then hopefully i could at least cut down on the amount of drugs i would have to take. sadly the medical system discriminates against most of the natural alternative kinds of medicines and treatments. this hurts alot of people. i have tried several times in several years to get medical insurance to pay for natural medicines for me, so i can hopefully get healthier and feeling better and have a better quality of life, but they always say that there isnt any proof that it works, but they arent checking with the places that provide natural medicines to get the proof , like the natural medicine clinics and health food vitamin shops and natural medicine colleges and pharmacy(s) that provide natural medicines. and the government food and drug administration makes the vitamin companies say on their bottles that the vitamin supplements inside are not intended to cure any kind of health problem. there is no excuse to not also use and pay for all of the natural medicines and treatments that are available for people. it gives me some hope to try to keep trying and living, if i could get quite a bit of natural medicine treatments. they offer euthanasia for people who want it, that are suffering from deadly painful cancers. but they dont offer it for people who have my health problems, even though i am suffering alot also, especially timewise, for decades, and having both physical and mental conditions. its hard to get better without access to the right medicines and people who know about those medicines, like its hard to fix a car without the right car part and tools and someone who knows how to fix it. without better health this life seems longer and harder, and my family would like to see me healthier and happier. thanks alot if you are able to help me out. i appreciate it.
thanks. tom