My name is Marie. I am 41 years old.
I have three auto immune syndromes that cause a need for multiple therapies daily to stay mobile.
I have chronic myofasical pain syndrome which causes my body to stay in a constant state of muscle spasm and rigidity. Imagine flexing your biceps and how hard those get, that is my body 24/7/365.
As a result, I need to go to chiropractic therapy daily as my muscles pull my joints out of place. I also go to physio weekly to help fix injuries as a result of the rigidity. Also essential is massage therapy. I go once a week for that but need it more often. These are all recommended by my specialist but nothing is covered by provincial help as it is considered “alternative” even though it is essential to me and others
I pay for all of my therapies out of my own pocket because my insurance only covers about a two week period every year given the amount I spend in a week.
The second syndrome I have is Fibromyalgia which causes widespread nerve pain in my body making light touch unbearable. I have a very restrictive diet which helps keep it at a a manageable level. But as with anything, finding food that will not cause flareups is expensive.
The third is diabetes. I have to pay out of pocket for my monitor supplies because I am on metformin rather than insulin so far. That is about 250 a month if i were to actually be able to pay for it.
If I stopped going to therapy or cut back my muscles will tear and make it almost impossible to walk. The Pandemic confirmed this as I was without therapy of any kind of 3 months. I still have repercussions from this.
I didn’t buy anything for people for Christmas this year, I made everything. I am still short for my bill that is due on the 8th.
I work part time because I am not physically able to do full time, also by the time i am finished my four hour shift, i go to chiro to fix me and have to spend hours recovering from my shift.
medical expenses a week not including meter supplies or other life expenses such as gas and insurances is 495/week. I don’t make that much
I live at home with my parents. My father is disabled and my mother is his caregiver. She helps me with some of my physical restrictions such as putting my socks on and some cleaning that is too difficult for me to perform due to not being able to bend.
She also buys groceries for me even though i don’t ask her to because she knows that i wouldn’t be able to buy them for myself or I would end up eating things i can’t because of cost. They only have one pension between the two of them as she didn’t get one
My local food bank used to offer grocery gift cards to pay for perishables but have cut that program out months ago.
asking for help is very difficult, but i am so overwhelmed trying to stay functional and not end up in a wheel chair. The financial stress is hard on my pain levels as well
Thank you so much for your consideration. Sending positive energy to you.
My paypal link is @calendargirl2020
I am not sure if this is what you need as i have never done this before.