I am so appreciative of any financial assistance that can be given to my family. I work very hard as a single Mom. I’ve always had between 2 or 3 jobs at the same time. I recently worked for a company named The Insights Shop as a Recruiter. I worked on 15 projects… alot of them simultaneously and now when it’s time for payment, they did not deliver. I have over $18000 in invoices owed to me. This caused so many issues. One of the projects required me to hire people to work for me and I haven’t been able to pay them. I’ve received eviction notices and legal threats from my staff and my company name has been ruined. To make things worse, I am now in foreclosure. The income I have coming in is insufficient and I’m seeking a third income again. I’m trying very hard to pay my staff but I also have to keep the lights on and food on the table. The Insights Shop has acknowledged that they owe me but they misappropriated funds and can’t pay me timely. I really need to keep my home since I care for my teenage son and our 5 wonderful dogs. Pleasehelp in any way that you can. I need at least $15,000 to save my home from foreclosure but it accumulates legal charges everyday. Thank you so much for any help you can give. God Bless You! My PayPal is listed below. https://paypal.me/withluv454?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US