To whom this may concern,
I am here today, requesting any help that can be offered, to help me through the finale of what is sure to be the most horrific set of trials I have ever experienced.
Here’s the story of the last 3 years of my life and how I went from a happily married, proud Husband, Father, homeowner & owner of my own company, Mavilo Lawn & Handy to… I don’t even know anymore..
2019 was the best year of my life & nothin will ever come close to touching it. I bought my first home, was the lead foreman at the machine shop I worked at, had the honor of marrying my highschool sweetheart & best friend of 18 years then we’re blessed with the news we would be welcoming our first child, a handsome amazingly talented boy named Maverik. I was on cloud 9, God was so good to me.
Then came 2020. In the beginning of 2020, COVID had just started to fester and spread through the US unbeknownst to us all. I contracted it and was so ill.. it affected my heart, kidneys, circulatory system, & vision. I was in and out the ER due to a heart attack, kidney failure & oxygenation issues. It nearly took my life, but I preserved and made it through, albeit with life long conditions that have changed my life forever.
Due to my constant need for medical attention, I was let go from my career as the foreman of a prominent machine shop in Salt Lake City, Utah where I had spent a decade learning the trade and enjoyed my work thoroughly.
After losing my career job, 3 weeks later, my high school sweetheart who I was blessed enough to make my wife, gave birth to my first son, Maverik.y wife had complications during the surgery and nearly died do to loss of blood but she was a warrior and we all three made it home safely.
Once we got back to life at home, my wife and son as well as I were having constant health issues that couldn’t be explained. I was able to figure out what it was one morning when I looked on the ring cera and saw my baby blue and not breathing. I ran swiftly upstairs and shook me awake, he came to. God was good to me yet again.
It turned out that the entire home was riddled with mold in the walls, behind beadboard, everywhere, it was gnarly. So in protection of my family, I took them to California to stay with family while I renovated the home. I promised my wife it would only be 6 months…
The progress was painfully slow as I was working Instacart and door dash for money to fund the renovations as well as learning how to build a house proper. Eventually I ran into my ex girlfriend (prior to my wife) that I had purchased my home with but had kicked out due to her inability to stay off drugs. She was homeless and still struggling, so I offered her a deal, “if you help me renovate the house s I can bring home my Wife and Son, I will give you $25,000 in equity so you can buy a car, get a place, get sober, as Regain custody of your daughter.”
To which she said, “alright, let’s fix this house.”
So work moved swiftly after that until my Wife in California, looking around ring surveillance cameras, saw my Ex bringin things into the house and was devastated. She knew my Ex and was always envious of her, for why I am not sure, “there is no one on Earth or Heaven more beautiful & perfect than my Wife.”
Heartbroken & without warning, she filed for divorce and that atomic bomb of realization drove me to attempt suicide. With my gun in my mouth, pictures laid out in front of me of my incredible family, that was to be no more, I closed my eyes, and as I went to pull the trigger…
My Ex walked in, saw, and sacked me to the ground.
She held me in a bear hug right as she could as repeated over and over again,
“I am so sorry for what has happened to you, Chris, but I love you & you can’t leave me in this world. I love you.”
This comfort and concern gave me new hope that maybe we could start a new together & perhaps my wife would be happier without me. So we kept working and dated, eventually getting pregnant with my second son, Milo.
(That’s why my business is named “Mavilo”, it’s the combo of my two boys Maverik & Milo names. They are my whole world.)
Time has now passed and before my second son was to be born, my mortgage servicer lied to me, and illegally put my home into foreclosure. Nervous and scared, we hung on and shortly there after, welcomed Milo into this world. Unfortunately upon returning home to finish the nursery before their arrival home, I found drug paraphernalia and substances hidden in her stuff,
My Ex had been using during her pregnancy…
Infuriated, I told her, When I come pick you up tomorrow, we need to have a serious talk. I will not raise a child with a drug addict.” So what she did next still hurts my heart moe than anything have ever experienced, She ran from the hospital with our new baby boy, with the aide of her family who she had convinced now that I wasn’t good to her.
That was April 2020…
I still have not seen either of my children due to financial struggles, vehicle issues, and fear of realizing I may be too late.
That I may have lost everything.
So I decided to rent out rooms in my house to raise money so I could fix my vehicle and get back to my newly started and flourishing business. Unfortunately I choose poorly in the way of tenants and they were nothing but trouble, drugs, and rampant theft of my things.
There shortly after my house was illegal sold at foreclosure for bottom dollar. (Half price) it was also burglarized the day before I came back to remove my things. To the tune of about $70,000. Fortunately, I was able to get the SUV running after engine failure two years prior which ended my business. Now homeless and with no money but a half way functioning vehicle with no registration, began working were I could to work my way back to normal life.
I then was involved in a rear end accident due to someone else running a red light. I got cited. Now with warrants and a suspended license I forged ahead doing everything I could to handle my many situations as they came at me. Overwhelmed and sure of certain failure, I kept pushing forward praying for strength and courage to persevere.
The SUV finally died again, this time for good. I lived out of it for a month with my two small service animals,praying for answer and then it came. I posted on Facebook asking my friends and family if anyone had a cheap vehicle I could buy. And then I bought my Ford fusion. I was back in it. God was good to me.
At this point I had but 3 weeks to pay my storage unit or they were to sell it, the total being $800, I was ready and knew I could do it. Then the water pump and oil pan gasket were leaking, so I took my vehicle to the shop. A quick fix became almost 3 weeks and upon getting my vehicle back,y unit had been sold.
Everything I had ever owned, cherished, memories and trinkets from passed relatives, gone. Everything now gone.
I decided to stay with my father for a few weeks and went to Colorado to watch my younger brother race BMX. While there I was riding a dirt bike on the side of a road when a truck and travel trailer turned in front of me. Not having signaled, I laid the bike down at 45mph and preceded to go under the tires.
I was hospitalized with multiple lacerations massive road rash and bruising, staples in my head, but thankfully no broken bones. God was good to me.
Unfortunately yet again, I developed MRSA infection and bacteremia that led to sepsis for which I then had to be hospitalized for three weeks.
Which brings me to my current place in this world. I am divorced, homeless, fighting chronic MRSA infections in both legs, my car is running but doesn’t have AC and it’s hotter than heck outside.. too hot for me or my dogs to be sitting but we persevere. We work everyday and are trying our hardest.
My Ex refuses to allow me to see my younger son, but goes and sees my family regularly to rub it in my face. She has convinced them that I was the problem and drug addict and so my reputation has been maimed by her as well. Unfortunately I don’t have time to battle smear campaigns as I have to focus on the task at hand first, for the ultimate goal of getting custody of my boys.
Over the past 18 months I have studied law and have found all the evidence I need to prove collusion with the buyer and trustee, and fraudulent foreclosure on my servicer but can start that fight until me andy pups have a safe, clean, stable place to be for a few weeks. And so that is why I am here, begging praying, wishing, hoping…
For anyone who has faith and sees a battered and broken man not willing to give up, not willing to die. I have one focus and goal in mind, get justice for what has been taken from me then live the happily ever after I was destined for.
I don’t have a set amount I need as I have made a itemized list but housing is the most important followed closely but food.
You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, but in all the horrors I have experienced, I can tell you one thing still…
God is real. God is good.
I believe in God and I believe in the justice system and I know will a little support I can weather the last part of this storm and come out changed. A stronger, better, more understanding, more lovingan than ever before.
I thank you all in advance for your support, assistance and prayers in this situation. God bless.