To whomever it may concern and/or is able.
I have two requests. The first one is dire, and the second one is for a project I wish to endeavor. If I could get help for both, that would be fantastic.
Greetings to you. And thank you in advance for taking the time from your busy schedule. Let me introduce myself. My name is Fred Medina Jr. I currently have a situation that needs to be resolved. I need your help. I hope by the end of this letter I would find a few generous donors to help me get back on track. You see, an unexpected sickness come upon me that caused me to lose my job and my driving privileges. On February 2021, I was diagnosed with “Parkinson’s Disease” an incurable sickness. (My wife insisted.)
PD affects the central nervous system causing constant tremors, problems with coordination, involuntary movements, rhythmic muscle contractions, muscle rigidity, feet shuffling, difficulty and slow bodily movements, just to name a few. (It’s extremely difficult to use my cell phone of computer.)
Sometime in May, the company that I worked for had a slot opened in Florida (I’m originally from New York State.). I applied for the transfer. By the end of June, I bought a house with 1.2 acres of land, and I moved to Florida with my wife and son (who is disable). I was enjoying life, and my job. I was a field technician by trade. During my spare time, I had plans to convert 1/3 of land into a Japanese garden, 1/3 for an aquaponic system, and lastly, 1/3 into a vegetation garden for self-consumption. This undertaking would have taken me approximately less then 2 years. Just in time for my retirement. I was looking into the future of selling, fish and vegetables.
Nevertheless, by mid-November, the PD exploded. I was weak, shaking uncontrollably, could not walk properly, etc. Due to my medical condition, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles revoked my driving privileges. Therefore, I was not able to drive to the job sites, no license. Or use the computer effectively for remote work. This put a financial strain on my family. My wife could not fine work and was constantly assisting me with everyday tasks and driving me to the hospital and the physical therapy. My son has no idea what’s going on. Mentally not there.
I started to withdraw from my savings, stocks, 401k, to pay the mortgage, food, bills, etc. I was also receiving company short term disability. I applied for SSDI which I started to receive sometime in April. My mortgage started out for $1350, then it increased to $1625, it was getting harder for me to pay it. Then it increased to $1855. I was not able to pay since I ran out of my savings, stocks, and my short-term company disability had expired. I was depending upon my SSDI, my son’s SSI, and my wife’s job to meet the obligation, but I fell short of the mark. It has placed me in a dire predicament situation.
Because I started to get behind on my mortgage, and willing to forgo my dreams of having the gardens. Therefore, I decided to the placed the house in the market for sale, sometime in November hoping to pay off the debt and have some left over to move to an RV and rent a lot. Or finding a place within a HUD community. After waiting for a while, a potential buyer finally came by with interest to buy. But according to the loan officer, I cannot sell the house unless I have a new roof. And once I agree to sell, I will not have enough to move to a different location. Example: the RV with the lot.
Because I already owe somewhere between my credit cards, mics, and mortgage (roughly $ 75000), I’m not able to get a loan. So, I’m in limbo. On the other hand, If I sell the house, I may lose my dream of having an aquaponic system, etc. or at least delay the dream. I need your help so can solve these issues.
Consequently, I know this is a bit too much to ask, nonetheless, my second request is if anyone out there can spot me $2,000,000 that would be fantastic. I would use the monies to create a Japanese garden, aquaponic system, vegetable garden, hire a crew to work the field, and to pay off my mortgage. And the rest will go to a savings account earning interest, as a backup. Hopefully open a foster care unit for seniors.
I wish to keep the dream and not lose the house. Moreover, if anyone out there can help in any capacity that would be great. Even if I have to move to a more affordable place.
Although, whomever you may be. I want to thank you in advance and hopefully share the success.