Breaking a lease is usually grounds for eviction. The landlord or property management is not always going to consider the circumstances. Knowing your rights can help you deal with the process properly. This is useful in cases where you feel that you are being evicted unjustly.
Here are six important tips to protect yourself should you face an eviction.
Know the laws
Become familiar with the laws in your state. Each state has their own version of the Landlord and Tenant Act. This will serve as a guide to understanding the relationship between you and your landlord. It will contain an eviction section to focus on, but be sure to read the entire document. You can get a copy through the Attorney General’s website or by going to a local courthouse.
Pay close attention to the details regarding evictions, especially anything that constitutes an illegal eviction. In general, the landlord has to give a certain amount of notice and you have a window of time to correct the situation. Not allowing or adhering to this is a violation. An illegal eviction is not allowed in most states. If your landlord tries to evict you outside of the process, you can sue them. For example, if they change the locks on you or remove any property.
Keep records
From the day you move in, you should keep documents and records of all interactions with your landlord. This is beneficial should anything like an eviction come up. Keep every notice or letter they give you. Record the time, date, and nature of any verbal communications too. Always keep cashed checks and receipts as well as maintenance records.
It is also a good idea to take photos of the property when you move in, or once any grievance occurs. Some landlords have been known to claim damage to property and claim it was done by you. The more documentation and evidence you have, the better your case will be against your landlord or eviction. Not all landlords try devious tactics, but it is best to be prepared in the event they do.
Consult with an attorney
It helps to get legal advice during an eviction, even though you do not need representation for the case. Use a private attorney if you can afford one or check with Legal Aid for assistance. Most cities have Legal Aid offices and will be happy to provide consultation services. You get information and advice for a reduced price and sometimes free. Be sure to take all your documents and evidence so they can help you set up your case. Running through the details with them gets you prepared mentally for the case ahead.
Go to the hearing
You need to go to an eviction hearing in court. You cannot be evicted without this and your landlord is responsible for scheduling this. Do not miss this hearing. If you do not show, the judge automatically rules in favor of the landlord. If you go to the hearing, you may have a chance of beating the eviction. You will never know if you decide to pass. When you show up, the landlord also cannot claim damage against you or any other fines.
Make sure you are prepared before you go. Plan to proceed in the same way you discussed with your attorney. Have all documents ready to present and establish your defense before you get there. Dress professionally and arrive early.
Handling an eviction
In some cases, the judge will rule in favor of the landlord. Even if you have all documents and a good defense, you need to be prepared for this outcome. Make arrangements ahead of time to stay somewhere else and plant to rent a storage unit. If you have already found another rental, you do not need to worry about that. BE prepared to leave the property quickly. Every state allows an amount of time for eviction and in some cases it can be as little as 48 hours.
Getting another place
Evictions can be reported to credit bureaus. This can hurt your chances of renting again. Most landlords do not report this but there are other ways credit companies can get this info. There are companies that collect information and sell it to prospective landlords.
Be prepared for your next landlord to know about the eviction. Don’t plan on hiding it. Explain the circumstances to them and be honest. You can present all the same documents you had for the hearing to make your case. It does not do any good to talk bad about the previous landlord, especially if the eviction was your fault. You do not want to appear like a problem tenant. It can take time to find a new rental.
Many will turn you down, but someone will approve of you. You should expect that when you are approved you will have to pay or a higher security deposit. The eviction becomes less relevant as time passes, especially when you begin to make on-time payments.
An eviction can seem disastrous and cause for worry. The important thing to remember is that you are not the only one to go through this. Many renters have been evicted and get through the process just fine. Protect yourself by following the laws and being honest. Be prepared and know your rights and you will have the best chance of beating an eviction. If you do get evicted, know that it is not the end of the world. With time, everything will be right again.
Single mom who had to go back to school
Hello, my name is Gabriella and I am here today trying to explore options on ways to pay my bills.
I am a single mother of a toddler and because of our financial situation, I decided to go back to school to be able to provide for my child.
Beacuse of the school schedule and the very hard but compassionate career that I chose, I had to begin working part time or on an “as needed” basis at night so that I could go to school, take care of my child and pay bills at the same time.
I have missed car, rent and even water and electric payments due to this tight situation, but I’ve always found a way and here I am at the end of the journe that took me 2 long years full of sacrifices and tears, not only from me but also from my child who had to spend nights without me while I had to work and who had to shorten their mommy time so thatbI could study or complete my assignments. It has been the longest and hardest journey of my life, but it has been worth every struggle because I knew I had to do it for my child who deserves the world!
As I mentioned before, I am at the end of this journey but of course it still hasn’t been easy for us and here I am once again late on payments and on the edge of losing our home due to debt. I am only asking for a small amount which will cover the home payment, the electric bill and the groceries for this next few weeks. I have applied for a job within my new field and I got it! But of course I will have to go for orientation, physical exams, background checks and all that which will take at least 2 weeks until I am finally a paid employee, but I only have this week to make those payments before bad consequences happen so that is the reason why I am here kindly asking for only $2000 to cover those important payments and save our home until I can finally do it on my own once again.
I hope that there is someone kind and noble to help my child and I with this last obstacle until we can finally see the greener grass on the other end once I finally start earning a steady income and being able to provide for our littlr family of 2.
My link is and my cashapp is $GabyPVBB.
I thank you kindly for any help that you can give us. It will sure help us a whole lot!
Eviction Notice
Good afternoon ;
Hi my name is Hector and I’m begging for help with my rent. unfortunate events of day-to-day living my car broke down last Monday .I’m an artist but can’t work on my paintings full time. I have to be content working a day job and painting on my spare times. I have to save 3 pay checks out of the 4 paychecks in order to pay rent. I had $500 on on Monday , car broke down so I missed a day of work + spend $150 on a radiator from junk yard. Couldn’t afford a mechanic so I installed it myself and to my surprise it is no good, {it leaked in the same spot than my old one. A friend told me that these kind of car KIA Spectra 2009 are known to break on the top part of radiator}. Friday came and $500 was deposited and $350 added $850. Because i didn’t have the total amount of $1,188 a $100 late fee. now $1,288. So after calling the very few friends I have two of them let me borrow $100 each. Then my landlord tells me that he put an eviction notice on me and that there’s a $300 extra fee for legal actions against me. Now $1,588 or I’m in the streets! I know that paying my rent as my responsibility, I’ve been living here for almost three years. I can barely make it month after month but I make sure I pay. But sincerely this time I’m very afraid and anxious because Its not fair that because of my car breaking down, consequently I have to live in the streets? I have $1050 on the bank. I’m asking from a generous soul to help me with $538 or whatever kind of help. anybody would want to help me with this situation. I will be very grateful.
Thank you Sincerely;
Hector “Shaggy”
Need Assistance with rental payment
Hello, my name is Katherine and I am a Mother of six children I live in Flint MI.
I am reaching out asking for assistance with my rent because I have recently fallen behind on it and I owe some of August and all of September’s rent. I owe a total of 1425.00. I know if I am able to get this assistance then I would not fall behind again.
I am currently employed and I was recently sick which caused me to fall behind on bills. I just need this help. If I am blessed enough to receive these funds and pay my rent it would mean a great deal to me. I was homeless before and I am praying not to go back to that. I have six kids ages ranging from 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, and 15. I have 7 days to pay the rent or move out I’m really hoping for a miracle.
I am a self-motivated individual and I plan on getting some business ideas that I would like to start off the ground eventually I’m also studying real estate. Any donation at this time will help anyone who’s reading this and considering helping me. I have a real situation I am asking from the bottom of my heart to please help me if you can thank you for taking the time to read this.
Urgent facing homelessness
Pleasant afternoon my family and i is facing a critical funding gap that could impact our livelihood and leave us homeless we were given an evacuation notice and we have no were to go but we were give a pice of land when grandfather pass. With your generous donations i will be able to buld a house or pay rent we ony have six month please and thank you. My paypal is Moesha Mckenzie. Thank you in advance.
I ‘m in need of a home of my own I have 7 children. I AM being Evicted
My name is Andrea McGhee. I am a single mother of 7 children. I have 5 boys and 2 Girls. I am being evicted.
My problem is that I have a large family and people don’t want to rent to me when they find out how many children I have.
I need to be able to purchase a home and pay a mortgage. I honestly can’t afford to be constantly put out when a landlord has a disagreement with me. I feel with home ownership I can avoid landlord disagreements and my children can have a stable home environment.
I am in request of any amount of donations that any one person would like to send.
Down Payment amount for a mortgage: 20,000 due to credit score.
I am open to someone with a nice home to allow me and my children rent and live in preferably a rent to own situation.
I would need a 4–5-bedroom home with 2 bathrooms and a decent size backyard.
Also, a little background about myself.
I am 37 years old and from St. Louis Missouri
I am a Tax Professional by trade for the last 10+ years.
Just struggling with the same house situation year after year.
Thanks all for who have taken the time to read.
Cash App: $DreahLouis
I’m an elementary school counselor living paycheck to paycheck, and I’m $300 short on paying my September 1st rent. I’m accruing late fees daily and will have to pay $200+ in lawyer fees for the eviction documents if I don’t pay my balance in full today.
After school clubs started this week, and I’m running 4 of them to earn more money. That money will show up on my next paycheck, so I should have money for rent moving forward.
I would be so grateful for your help today. My prayer is that someday I will be financially stable and become the person who donates to others.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a wonderful day. ☀️
Hello everyone, I am needing help to prevent my child and I from homelessness. I have applied to receive assistance in my city but have been denied by our major financial assistance program and still waiting for an interview with 2 other agencies. I don’t know what else to do and praying anyone can donate anything to help. I lost my job the end of 2022 and have maintained by depleting my savings, 401k, pension, and credit cards taking care of my household and child. The agency that denied me needed an eviction notice and once I received it I was denied due to the past due balance being too high! (I did not know a place with a mission to help you in a crisis can deny you because of your financial crisis, sigh). I have applied to numerous roles and have only had offers from commission-based companies. I’m experiencing the corporate cycle of being overqualified for entry level but not enough experience for mid-level management. I have excepted a commission-based role just to get some type of income in my home but unfortunately, it’s not enough, sigh.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message, as embarrassing as it to ask it’s therapeutic to share and not give up for my daughter! She’s the sweetest teenager and loves to help others. She has not complained once during our dramatic life change and always tells me “Mom it’s going to be okay.” Thank you again for the support, sending love and gratitude to everyone!
My wife and are being evicted on sept 30.the landlord is putting a lock on our door and we will lose all of our belongings. He took us to court in march saying we had trash everywhere but not true.we keep the place clean and keep the 1acre mowed all the time.Also said that our washer leeked and he wants 3000 dollars to fix the floors.That wasn’t true our washer never leaked.we had a hot water heater pipe on the top break offcausing a flood into the bathroom,hallway,and both bedrooms.not long after that the cold water line broke next to the hot water heater going to the bathroom.well we beat those two things but are still being evicted on the 30th of september.Thats after we had two extensions because her mother passed on5/5/23 so we went to Delaware were she lived and gave most of our money we had saved trying to buy a house.Not to mention the gas,food,motels and running up and down to Delaware. All that was somewhat seattled then her sister that her mother was living with passed on5/26/23 so here we go again running to Deleware to make arrangement and paying all our savings we had left.Running all the time was wearing us another extention on eviction but now it runs out .we have no money for storage. NO MONEY TO MOVE .WE WILL LOSE ALL OUR BELONGINGS AND MIGHT END UP IN RESCUE MISSION.WE ARE NOT BEGGARS BUT IT LOOKS VERY LIKELY WE ARE BECOMING JUST THAT.WE ARE ALWAYS GENEROUS TO OUR kidswhen they would ask for a loan for auto ,pay bills,or for just cash to shop.we new we would never see it but didnt matter.well i could probably go on but can hardly see thru my tears.Feel so bad cant do anything to make my wife feel better.Just going to pray alot and hope god hears us. P
Single mom to Special Need Son
Honestly, I don’t know where to start, it’s been one hurdle after another. I work hard but it’s never enough, when you see the light at the end of the tunnel something always finds its way to darken it again. My son was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 years old, I’ve made it my mission to making sure his needs were taken cared of, since covid I’ve always maintained employment but with services he’s receiving and maintaining a household and everything else with limited to no assistance. I’ve hit a road block with bills adding up, when one is taken cared two more pops up. Currently my rent is part due two months and I have no idea how this will be taken cared of, I pray every day not because of my circumstances that I’m currently in but I pray because I am grateful that I was and still am able to care for my son as best as I could. Despite praying for a miracle may be a long shot, I still have hope in my heart something greater will come out of it. In this page it says to post how much you need, I’m just posting anything your willing to send will be a blessing within itself.
Thank you
Asking for help – 3 DAYS LEFT BEFORE EVICTED – Will Pay It Forward!
Hello fellow internet strangers!
I am here to ask for rent help. I found myself behind in rent due to a snowball effect beginning in May when I had my first ever hospital stay and new diagnosis. Since then, I have incurred medical costs I didn’t used to have to account for such as appointment copays and medications. Unfortunately this major medical event was also a catalyst for the ending of my relationship so my partner moved out and what once used to be half of the costs, now all of the home expenses are on my shoulders. It’s a tight squeeze but I couldn’t get rent together this month. I need an additional $1351 in the next 3 days before my landlord issues an eviction notice. I come from a poor income family so my parents or family cannot assist.
I’ve never asked for assistance before but I am desperate and hope kind online strangers can help me pay rent. I will happily circle back once I’m better financially to help others as well. Thank you so much!!! <3
I need financially help
I lost my job after i got pregnant last year my husband have be the one pay all the bills till this year April when his work contract expires and hIs asylum documents away by the government and even since they we have be living we a help of 700 euros from sepa but the money is not enough to buy food stuff paying for the one room will live in buying things for by baby and now my landlord have increased the rent of the room from 350 to 450 or we should leave because will are now three people living in the room I my husband and my child.that is why I came here today to ask for help anything can go a long way thank you (my PayPal account is
Hello, Im Bri. Im 24 and one of the many people in need for help right now. I’m living in this world and trying to make a way just like everybody else. I am working for myself right now providing hair services to clients that choose and trust me. Currently business has slowed down and has been for a few months now. I was blessed with my own place just in June and am having trouble staying on top of bills. Even with counting every penny and sacrificing things that I don’t need I’m still in the whole. I don’t wanna lose my place as it as brought me much peace in just a short time. I was living with my parents recently and have all my life. It’s always been toxic and I felt if I didn’t move out my mental health would suffer even more then it already had. It’s unfortunate that I had rather move out and struggle then to stay and be able to maintain and save comfortably. That’s just how despite i was to be at peace. My parents worked hard all their lives but we were still in poverty, living paycheck to paycheck and i want more for myself and generations after me. I’m trying to build generation wealth and break cycles that my family has never seen. My vision and dreams are way bigger then me and I’ve always been determined and independent but even the strongest need help. I don’t wanna turn to anything illegal as that does not align with my morals soo I figured ID give this a shot. At this point pride is not a factor and i have nothing to lose but everything to gain. I’m not asking for a lot just whatever is put on your heart to give. Your generosity will not be in vain. One day you will see and know my name and think back to this time of me being vulnerable and knowing that you helped a pure soul in a time of need. I just want to pay my rent up and car note and all other bills i will be able to handle. I’m the only support i have right now and my best just isn’t enough. If you decide to bless me i thank you in advance and may God/Universe bring it back to you ten fold. Peace and blessings.
cash app: $devinedollas
Help ,me get back to my life being stable
I, Nicole Samuel am currently being evicted due to making some decisions taking out loans to help me pay hotel fee during 11/22- 05/23
The plan was my daughter moving in for a few months so I could take care of Bills without any struggle. But never moved in after making a different decision to roommate with someone else. Once starting her new job.
Now, I’m in over my head with paying loans every paycheck which leaves funds to buy food, paying bills, basic essential, and gas to get back and forth to work.
Now, my son who suffers from Renal Disease that has to be Dialysis 3days a week will be relocating to Miami to reside with me.
My parents are no longer available to Care for him. Which I would have to be his Caregiver and provide housing for him.
I need assistance for at least 6months or pay off loans. So, I can keep a roof over our head and get back to normal
Cash App: $2Highlyfavor
PayPal: @blenicole7
Never Giving In
Life is not easy nor fair. I learned that early in my life. One of the first things my daddy tells me and my big brother after he had been missing for 6 years since our mother was killed (unsolved). Since then He taught us raised us with the attitude of; Do what works for YOU. As a child and teen I knew I have no control over what the adults say and do. My feelings are not valid. Being the girl of the family I must keep your dad and brother up never turn my back on them that’s all you have. All when things get really bad my favorite is. You’re smart you will figure it out. I say this after years of being accused of or punished for something becuse I must be just like my brother and dad because I’m his child. I’m just a girl so I’m sneakier. I have lived in survivor mode all my life even while raising my 4 children. Single mother without family support even before becoming a mother. Home city alone before 16. But this time around is harder. I’ve noticed by being accountable for my own actions that my number one thing is being the emotional and financial doormat for my father. As a child I can’t take blame. But since adulthood I must own it. I just learned that within the last 7 years but these last 3 or 4 have changed me and I am afraid. I am going to be homeless by choice is the way I have been told to look at my situation.
3 years ago after I left a very bad relationship that I had been trapped in even longer due to covid 19 lockdown. As soon as the world opened just a little I moved to Louisiana for a new beginning for myself and my 2 teenages in the last few years of school . Long story short ; with in 48 hours of being there my dad call in tears. My step mother (the woman he dated for years not married) is extremely ill with brain cancer while showing signs of dementia also his cancer has returned and he cant handle it. I offered prayers and adviced that once I can get my kids and I together I send money and or help in any way I can. Within 2 months LA had at least 3 storms were we had to evacuate and travel back to Houston; in which every time I came I would go check in on my parents. being that the visits were short I didn’t see the big picture. The people I lived with was offended by my not wanting to evacuate with them at their others friends home during this storm . Not counting my children’s extreme allergies. and it was a total of 9 people in a 3 bedroom with pets 3 dogs 2 snakes a cat and 3 chickens will be inside the home during the storm. So My kids and I split with family during this time . I mean we were in our home town and the stay was temporary so my kids just stayed at a friends home. I actually slept either in a chair in my parents room or the back seat of my truck due to my parents home was a 3 bedroom and had about 10 people inside none who were sober and working. When the offense was brought to me It was said if we have someone to shelter us during the storm we should have a place to live and upon returning to LA I found all of our belongings put outside under a carport. When I returned to Houston I found a job doing Home health care trying to get my parents signed on. My father moved out and back in with his legal wife and was just gone without explanation . I learned he was gone and had been gone from the neighbor . Horribly while working an overnight shift so my son could sleep in to chair some nights. I’m walking up the walkway. My truck is not running so I was on the bus. I was told my mom was walking down the street nude looking for my dad whom they seen drive off just after I walked to the bus stop to go to work, and my teenagers had been trying to get her back inside and received help from our next door neighbor. So I quit my job because I couldn’t get any help from my dad (claiming cancer) but found out it was a lie he was in remission for going on 4 years at this time. Her kids wouldn’t help; 2 are drug addicts and alcoholics and her elder son was upset with my dad and would never answer my calls or reply to text or social media messages for a total of almost 2 years we live at on prayer and donations from people in the neighborhood because I couldn’t leave the house due to mom would wonder and no one would help from the inside the family. One of my 16 year old nephews was shot in the front yard standing in the middle of my 2 children on my birthday. Before the end of the 2nd year her eldest son and my dad showed up with just a few words for me. “Get my mommy ready I’m taking her.” and My dad ” It’s cool Chick I’ll explain later. So without explanation she was just gone. Everyone had gone. Just me and my kids. Within a few days I obtained employment with Timewise Inc. My dad transferred the apartment still in his name ( No income to report to get one in my name.) and it was mine if my kids and I cleaned out the other one. So me and my four kids did just that. When we moved into the apartment we were basically behind on bills from day one. My two kids would not step outside after dark . So after school jobs were not an option.I was living out of an overdraft checking account honestly. So even 2 years later I still seem to not be able to stay caught up . With everything I’ve explained I have been dealing with 4 golf ball size fibroids on my uterus, as well as major depression and extreme anxiety, also migraine headaches and PTSD. My 3rd daughter graduated and was planning to go to college. I used income tax money to visit these schools or shall I say send her and her older sister or her dads mother to do since I couldn’t afford to miss work. Then she chose not to go because we couldn’t raise additional funds for her to attend the school of her choice which was AMDA in NY .That’s not the issue.
This year 2023 in March I took my income tax and caught up on all the bills put away enough to cover the bills for 2 months in my account to cover my bills. I began doing housekeeping for myself via a website and within 2 months I had 15 regular clients which cover half of my monthly income By May it was showing promise . My step mother passed away and Everyone that left my kids and I in the bad position seem to need a shoulder a place to stay and or money to buy something to wear. I turned down funding yet I was the shoulder . I don’t have it. My dad took it hard always calling for comfort anytime of day or night. I responded. I didn’t express my sadness to the world but inside it crippled me I missed appointments or didn’t do my best work. Yet I bounced back I don’t have time to grieve. I made good with my customers and got a few referrals. My son graduated this year and we planned to send him to Huston-Tillotson in Austin to focus on communications.With most of his funding covered we had a part time job set up there to cover the rest. Then in July my eldest nephew was killed (unsolved) the same day my 4 children and 1 were at the beach celebrating my two kids graduation class both 22 and 23. My children took it so hard. My son was really close to him. It was hard for my brother to express or explain any help he may need to bury his son only my dad was “calling to relay information” He tell me my brother being on a fixed income need to come up with $400 toward bury his child my dad whom is also in a fixed income can’t do much because he and his wife have additional medical bills so see what I can do.I explain my income is fixed and im trying to gather money for my son to get to Austin for the fall semester. But I’ll try to help Within that time I worked 4 houses a day and did odd work like babysitting or cooking to raise money. I found out 2 days before the service my brother only need someone to provide food. My dad had got the church that did my mother service to do my nephews service and I had already sent $243. to my dad towards the $400 goal. When asking my father about it he say he paid it to the pastor. ( The pastor said he did it for free.) Also my dads marriage had failed and he was leaving her due to his morning for the loss of my step mother and he had been distant from her since a few weeks before she passed and he can’t deal with the drama his grandson gone. He is telling me all of these family but personal things; how he feels like giving up going back to his old ways ( all I know is drugs and alcohol) how needs his apartment that we live currently live after my son goes to college it will be more comfortable but he needs his home. I expressed how I didn’t want to live with him after sending my son off to college . He became angry .I told him give me time to get Nick off to school and he can have his place. I begged for at least that much time. He agreed on Friday before the service my car stopped running. With no other help and desperate not to miss the service I called my ex the one I was trapped with during covid 19 I left years ago he had recently worked on my car. The only reason we converse. Also he was always calling me or the kids I knew he would help. I was near his mechanic and got my car repaired on credit I would just pay him back. He took us me and my children and my brother (the father) to the service the following day . He say he tried to pick up my dad earlier but he didn’t answer his door nor phone. After the service as I mourned finally my dad calls . He ask what day will he be able to bring his things the 11th of August or the 31st. I was lost. I asked if I could call him later I couldn’t think about this at that time. It was 2 hours after the service. He did not show up . So after expressing I have no money to move right now I have nowhere to go, nowhere to store my things . He said “do what I have to do”. Then continue to call throughout the weeks on will I rent him a moving truck etc. I have thrown away the things I have built with my own hands, donations and I just bought myself a bed for the 1st time in 6 years just 3 months ago. Everything is set next to the dumpster just feet away from my apartment .I have cried everyday since July 28th. On August 25 at 9:23 pm my father called me. I only answered because I had been avoiding his calls. He says. He is moving out of town to live with my younger brother and he needs help loading his furniture into his moving truck on the following Friday which is the 1st of September. He has called my children but no one answers. So After expressing my feelings and the mess my life has been put into; angrily yet with respect and pain in my voice Not just uprooting our lives I found out my son had returned scholarship money and had been applying for high paying warehouse work He changed his mind about even joining the army; He had been privately meeting with recruiters. [He has to do what he feels, in order to keep his mother from being homeless or having to go back to an abusive man .] I can’t convince him otherwise. The apartment complex had come and expressed that they know he doesn’t live here he called a few times about a bigger place then changing to name from him to my name and because he isn’t answering their calls we can stay until the lease is up September 30 2023 as long as we pay the rent. He responded with ” I’m truly sorry I wish everyone the best.” Then disconnected the call.
My dad is not the main reason for my life struggle. But a major factor. I have been accountable for my own sins since the age of ten. I own that. I am trying to live and not survive. At the age of 17 I had to drop out of school because my dad chose women and alcohol over me. I was an honor roll student and at the time living with someone else because he lost his job for drinking on the job. I got my G.E.D. once found out 2 years later I was pregnant with my first child. After doing my best at raising my 4 children with 3 of the 4 graduating from school and I struggled with a mental illness and I stayed sober because I couldn’t fail , they needed me. I’m proud of myself and I need to take care of myself before it’s too late. This was the year I start working on Me. I started eating better and quit smoking cigarettes on Christmas 22. and working for myself doing something which wasn’t my original career choice but will work after years of delay. I enjoy housekeeping it’s relaxing and I am great at it. I started therapy and I know it’s going to be hard in the beginning but I don’t want to get discouraged. I will be sleeping in my car and offer overnight babysitting jobs. But I want my son to go to college and become better that the mess we came from . I want all my children to keep looking forward and not get pulled down by my lack of planning as a young adult. I need them to flourish . I don’t know what make a person go to drugs and alcohol. That’s not even in my head as my outcome. But it’s been one of my life long questions. I know I have to speak up for help but with my toxic family and really no one but the wrong ones to help me. In this chapter of my life I’m trying to extend my voice and give myself a better chance. I can’t make it worse right ? I have been applying for overnight jobs so I can keep my clients and I am getting call backs but for day time hours. Meaning its slow and I may have to give up my clients because the weather and my car may not survive 24 hour use just last week 2 tired burst and the AC went out. So here I am . With help I can get a place to live and send my son off to college maybe convince his sister too. I can get a better car and so I can get to more clients and even go back to school and really make this a business . I have people wanting to work for me but I can’t afford to split any money so my business is stagnant. I want to grow. I need to make generational changes for my family lineage. I want to be mentally fit to enjoy my grandson again he is only 20 months but since all of this drama I haven’t been able to enjoy him nor my own children I seem to have extreme anxiety attacks . They are and have been my joy since the day I became their mom. I don’t want to be like this in the end. Homeless or with a man that is obsessed with me can’t be my my only two choices. Yet therapy at this time hasn’t been able to answer how people become dependent on drugs and alcohol? Will this force into the street be my outcome. Nope I will keep pushing and never give up. I just need a leg up a helping hand that don’t require me to give up my peace in order to accept it. I have things in motion for the first time in all my years. My ideas have become action and I have taken steps toward my health before I lose the ability to do so. So at this point I’m back to what my dad told me . Do what works for me. So I am hanging from the side of this hole and asking for help to fill it before it becomes my grave.
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