My name is Rena and this is the 1st time I’ve ever asked for help like this. I have been a hard worker all my life. I have always figured out my situation and have always made a way to keep my bills paid and take care of my family. My family consist of myself, my daughter and my two grandson’s which are 4 years old and 3 years old. This will be the 1st year my oldest grandson will start school on Sept. 4, 2023 and my youngest grandson just started daycare this week on Monday, August 28,2023. My daughter is 24 years old and have been working 3rd shift and a fast food restaurant which doesn’t pay that much, during the day she had been home schooling the kids but with the kids going to school and daycare she’ll be switching to day shift and trying to find a better job. Everything was balanced until my health took a 360 turn in 2022 when my Fibroid Tumors changed my daily life dramatically to the point I have passed out at work twice and my co-workers had to call 911 and my doctor diagnosed me as a severe Anemia and I had to undergo Blood Transfusions and Iron Infusions to prepare for my surgery which was on Dec. 27, 2022. Now let me back up so you can know how this has gotten me to this point. I am a small business owner, a License Cosmetologist (Hair Stylist & Body Waxer) and I have been in my career for 30 years and have had my business for 23 years. My business made it through the Pandemic and when the state allowed salon businesses to reopen my customer flow was even stronger and even when things reopened I took on extra streams of income by taking on side hustles such as Uber and Amazon Flex because my daughter got laid off during the Pandemic so I keep home and business expenses balance until she could find another job. So to fast forward, when I started having health issues it caused my to miss days from work which I had to start go into savings to keep things managed and then when I had my surgery in December of 2022 I had to miss more days of work and if I don’t work I don’t make money. With this taking place I had no choice but I use my saving to pay home rent and expenses and to pay business rent and expenses to where I got behind on my rent and just try to make thing stretch and I got behind on my car payment and it got repo on April 17, 2023. As the old saying goes I was robbing Peter to pay Paul to keep things going. Without my car I am unable to make my extra income necessary that would normally help keep things balance. I have exhausted all my savings, I’m making only enough to keep my business going and barely enough to keep home billing going, my daughter is only grossing enough to pay her car payment, put just enough food in the home and enough for essential items and any extract I have left I’m stretch to keep utilities going. I appealed my 1st eviction court date and file a Stay of Execution. My court is Sept. 5, 2023 at 9 a.m. at the Mecklenburg county Court House. I am to pay my rent through the courts in which I haven’t yet paid for Sept. or August, I was able to make a payment of $350 for July. I have proof of everything to show from proof of my business, hospital records and date of surgery to proof of court paper of eviction and the receipts of payments made to court and the amount that shows what is due to pay that will stop the court procedures to bring my rent account to a $0. I have been a hard worker all my life and believe in finding my own way and figure things out but this time I just do know what else to do but ask for help. I have tried Crisis Ministries but they don’t have enough resources so here I am. I love God, I live a life of honesty and beleive in treating people right and try to help in the community with feeding the homeless and trying to stay focus in the ministry. I got ordain on January 29,2023 and trying stay focus in the mist of my situation. I happen to seen an article about this site so figured let me a lease try. My rent is normally $1084 a month once management added all the fees. My rent in arrears with the court is $2,187.40 plus Setp. & Aug. and the remaining of July. I maded arrangements today to extend my power bill which was due on Sept. 4, 2023 to Sept 19, 2023 which is $412.53 but I can pay $303.73 by the 19th to avoid disconnection. So here I am putting it all out there on the table I just need to get over this hump to get things back on track and I am asking humbly for help and I know we have not because we ask not. I don’t know what the outcome of this will lead but a want to at lease try. I am grateful and Thankful in advance for any blesses that may come from this and to whomever is laid in your heart to be a help.