Hi, I am an artist and musician from Seattle Washington and I am asking for some help financially because I really need it. I am usually the one lending money to my friends or helping people with a place to live or helping them find work but I am the one this time who needs the help. Three years ago my wife took her own life due to clinical depression and substance abuse. She did it right in the middle of lockdown from Covid and right in front of me. It was traumatizing to say the least and it also led to me having to leave our house we lived in and the business that we ran out of it. I had just finished building a recording studio in the downstairs of the house that was fully functional music studio that had been outfitted with cameras and was going to be part of a YouTube channel we were starting but after my wife passed on I could no longer stay in the house, it was just too much and too hard to be there after that. My wife’s family are very wealthy but I am not and when I left the house and moved on with what was left of my life, I was moving on without the financial stability that I had when my wife was still here. It was fine though, I had a small savings and was determined to not let this terrible thing that happened completely devastate me although it did for a long time. I lived out of hotel rooms for a period in between leaving our house and finding a new place for a few months but I eventually found an apartment and I moved in and started my life over again. I had decided to go back to school so I started attending college again in a whole new field. I had an interest in aviation so I am learning to become an Aircraft mechanic. While I was going to school I used what savings I had to pay rent but it eventually ran out but there was rental assistance here in Seattle for those who needed the help and I signed up because attending school full time and trying to come up with rent and food and all the other expenses was really overwhelming. Recently I was up for the assistance to come in for me because it was my turn in the lottery or however they disperse the funding but a week before I was to get my back rent paid for the government pulled the funding and now I owe about 11 months in back rent and have been handed my eviction papers. On top of this some of the criminal element that hang around our neighborhood at night decided to break the windows in my car to try and see what they could steal out of it and now I need the windows repaired which is going to cost a couple thousand dollars more to fix on top of the thousands in back rent. I am trying to get enough money together to get in to a new apartment since I am pretty sure that with the eviction preceding they will not want me to pay the back rent, they will just want me to leave but I think I might have a good outcome because the management in this building have been very unhelpful with trying to find a way to resolve the situation. They would not let me pay the back rent in payments when I offered and they were also supposed to offer me lower rent with the Covid moretoreum but they did not. I am hoping that I can raise enough money to pay for the damage to my vehicle and have enough to get a new place to live and be able to pay for moving costs and everything that comes with moving. I am close to finishing my program at college and I hope to open my studio again in the next couple years once I am back on my feet. Please help me in any way you can, it will be greatly appreciated and I will pay it forward in the future when I am in a place where I can help others again. Thank you!