Hi there. The name Johnpaul Joshua is my. I’m known by many as JP. I currently reside in Florida, however, my hometown is New York City. My two lovely daughters, Alexandria (Ally) and Gabriella (Gabby), are my. Gabby is six and Ally is eight. When I got home from work on November 9, 2023, I was given a 24-hour notice to leave my flat. The day following my birthday was this one. My dog and I had to go immediately, so I hurriedly packed my belongings. My finances couldn’t support the $1400 rent, utilities, and other costs. I also have to pay child support every two weeks on top of that. I lost my dog a few days later. He was 14 years old and already sick.
My girls would lose their hearts if I told them this, so I haven’t. To provide them with a cozy location to sleep, I utilize my earnings to pay for lodging for the weekend. Every other weekend, they spend time with me. I move back into my car after they return to their mother.
You may see a glimpse of my personality by visiting my Facebook profile. I don’t use drugs or alcohol, I’ve never been arrested, and I’ve never been the kind of person to run the streets. From New York to Florida, I have mentored innumerable boys and girls. I’ve always made an effort to be a helpful adult and a good role model for the kids I’ve encountered. Unfortunately, I recently had a poor break.
In January, I took a chance and entrusted a man $2800 of my savings to buy a box truck, only to have my money and labor stolen from me. He assured me that I would work with him and his companions and earn a nice living, but instead of paying me and leaving the truck without me, they stole my money. They now get to live and eat well, while I live out of my suitcase and gym bag and sleep in the backseat of my car.
I participate in the Active N Fit program, which costs just $28 a month and gives me access to several gyms across the US. I can take showers here, so this is useful. I take advantage of the circumstances. My belongings are in storage, but in order to get money, I had to sell a lot of them. I was training my girls to play drums, therefore it was painful for me to have to sell my drum equipment.
In the end, I merely need assistance renting a room while I save up money for an apartment. With one eviction under my belt, that will be challenging, but I’m optimistic. I’m so disappointed that I can’t give my daughters the Christmas they deserve. I cherish my children. July was my planned wedding month, but things are not looking good. My fiancée is an incredible woman who continues to love me despite this trying moment. I’m renting a room to her for roughly two hours right now. I mean, I live in my car, yet she still calls me king. How many ladies would be pleased to be associated with a homeless man? Having the ability to provide for such an amazing woman is my heart’s desire.
I’ve been endowed with the ability to succeed. I’m 49 years old, a preacher, a fitness enthusiast, and a swim instructor who has worked with kids for 30 years. I’ve penned a children’s book that I’ve dedicated to my angels. Additionally, it stars Mr. JP, the puppet they selected and gave a name to. I need to locate somewhere to stay first, but I’m also attempting to raise money to help get it published. Mr. JP began as just a fun project for my kids to do and has since amassed over 12,000 TikTok followers. The kids adore him anywhere I take him. He would appear if you were to search for Mr. JP on TikTok. I composed a children’s book to give my girls something to make them proud of their dad, long after I left this world.
I truly could use any assistance because I have three incredible young women in my life who are counting on me to succeed. I really appreciate it in advance. God bless you all very much.
My paypal info is: paypal.me/johnpauljoshua