Hello, I am asking for a little bit of assistance in regards to money, as I received an eviction notice. Let me explain a little more, at one point a couple of weeks ago I had enough money in my bank account to afford all my bills. Well… That all changed within a day.. I woke up on Friday feeling very good. I went to go check my accounts and I noticed my money was gone!!. I freaked out, This couldn’t be possible I work every day there was no possible way. I contacted the bank once they opened and we determined it was fraud. They closed my account stated there will be an investigation however what about my money I ask? they said sorry at this time there is nothing they can do until the investigation is over. As of now I am currently behind on my rent, my car and other bills that I have. I’m embarrassed and ashamed. I’m asking for help as this eviction notice is only for 7days then I will have to leave my home. Please help anything will help at this point. Once I’m caught back up I will pay it forward.
Thank you