I am a single mom, facing eviction, while fighting for custody of my three daughters. After failing to return our daughter home from his week night visit, my ex-husband immediately filed for sole custody. Promising my mother financial (child) support if she would help him, she was already exhausted trying to help me with three little girls while I worked long hours day and night trying to make up the difference in income after my divorce, she agreed and handed over my daughters while I was still at work. I had been supporting my mother financially since 2007 when my father passed away, paying off our family home which my father had built. My mother diagnosed with breast cancer had not worked since 2006. During my divorce it was not possible for me to continue to support her the way I was able to when I was married, and now with me investing more and more time into my career, she was having to do more and more to help me with my daughters. When I went to court to get my daughters from my ex-husband, the judge told him to bring our daughters back home, that violating our parenting plan was not going to get him any favor with the court, his lawyer stood up and said “she won’t be going home, there is a process server here to serve her a “restraining order” Yes my mother (who had worked for the public defender’s office for 13 years)served me a restraining order in family court, during my custody hearing. The judge continued the hearing to March 10th, 2020. I got a small two-bedroom townhouse and by the grace of God and the help of my amazing friends have managed to make a new home for myself and my daughters. On March 10th, 2020, my lawyer calls me and says that the court is shutting down due to the pandemic and she does not know how long it will be before we get a new court date. April 5th of 2020 my boss calls and lets me know that he will be closing our company as we were a small transportation company and he could not afford to stay in business any longer. May 17th 2020 I was hit by an uninsured driver on the hi-way and not only was my car totaled but I was hospitalized for four days with a fractured leg, and spent the following six months recovering. Even after all of that I have managed without a vehicle to get another job, maintain employment, make it to court twice a month with my ex-husband, pay my lawyers, keep my rent and bills paid, keep food on the table, and most importantly I managed to keep, my positive unshakeable mindset that I will get my daughters back, that nothing will stop me. Now that the judge has finally ordered supervised visits (four at first and then I will have them every other weekend) my ex-husband had filed for child support, the last two months child support and back child support has taken nearly all of my paycheck, I am barely able to pay my rent. My electricity has been disconnected and I am facing eviction if I am not able to get it turned back on in a timely manner, my bill is nearly $1900.00 dollars and I do not have any way to pay it or anyone to ask for help, this is my only hope… so please if there is anything that you can do to help me, I would really appreciate it and be forever grateful…. I have come so far, I am so close to seeing my daughters, I just need a little help… PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME
paypal me @annejohnson1691