Hello my name is Israel 20m who lives with girlfriend 20f and 2 kids 5f and 8 month M. I need 4000 dollars or me and my family will be kicked out. I know I am vey young with 2 kids and I will admit I have acted irresponsibly with my job placement, I mean starting off things were ok I was just scraping by with rent and utilities while working at dhl but then I took a pay cut working at as a tent installer(people who build big tents) and everything went downhill from there. Money became tighter I had to keep asking my mother and family for help, so I eventually they made a example out of me and fired me for no reason since they were under the assumption I was leaving and going to Amazon which would have been the case if I passed the drug test. I started another job which they delayed from the 14 of Nov to the 28th and missed one day which I called in for and thought nothing of it until, I return the job site and they tell me I’ve been fired, working badge/login pin but since I missed one day it fired me. So everyday on the job center app I am reminded of the money I could be making since their app still has me in the system as working there. I know I’m asking for a lot but I can promise this will never happen again I start a job Jan 4th 18 an hour with 1 bonus for 2 week perfect attendance and will continue to make money again I don’t care what I have to do I just need to leave the hellhole of an apartment which mind you has a serious roach problem which they have not fixed. And it feels like this place only ever gets stuff done around the building when I pay my rent. I have dreams to accomplish in February I will take my plumbers test and have something to my name if there is a god in someone out there then I call unto you for help. https://paypal.me/igmale?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US