I am a Gulf War Veteran seeking assistance. I am currently the caregiver for my mother a cancer survivor, and working outside the home at a humanitarian rate for a young family trying to get started. Working on obtaining Veterans Benefits, I was informed it could take years. While I was working, I helped many people in need without any expectation of a return. I purchased 3 used vehicles for people to get back to work after covid. I have zero debt, and would like to keep it that way. With all the money I have out that was never repaid to the tune of $10000.00+. I have never asked for any assistance in my life. I know when I have asked in the past, no one is there. I am asking now. Leaving on May 2nd to get 81 year old father to VA, maybe last trip up to visit family. Mom on minimum SSI, barely enough to cover utilities, etc. I am humbled to the point of asking for help. We have strived to make it on our. Anything will help as I know many people are in desperate times.
Thank You, Semper Fidelis!