Hello! My name is Suriyah Walker, a soon to be mom and im urgently seeking help. I am expecting in September and its a bit overwhelming as the days pass due to not being where I should have been.
So i was working at a call center for 2 years when it came to my understanding that the company is down sizing and about to get shut down due to client’s request. This was the time frame i found out i was pregnant. My spouse and I was extremely happy for our little blessing but sadly I ended up losing my job leaving the responsibility weight now on my spouse. Of Course he didnt mind because he wanted me to be getting my rest, eat healthy and not worry about anything. Now things started to go left when I was not feeling well as my body was changing preparing for a baby so I was getting sick by certain smells, I could no longer certain food, I could barely move around. If your a mother you know what im talking about. And with all that going on with me, my spouse was home with me helping around the house missing days from his work. Just when we thought it could not get any worse, his job became slow until it was no more. We had some savings which we then used for groceries rent utilities and to get a few necessities for my due date. He started sending out job applications but no one called him back, i even tried but no one wanted to hire me as i am currently pregnant. Now bills are piling up and we are 1-2 months behind on rent and we cant afford to get evicted right now. If I could get about $8,000 it would be enough to clear all the bills buy groceries and baby stuff which i would be so grateful for to get back on our feet. This is our last resort. Please help us.
Username: @lysemw777