Hello, I am seeking help with getting a car. I found a deceit cash car and it’s about $10,000 to get this car. Right now I’m riding with a co-worker because I can’t afford to pay monthly car payments, and I am behind on most of my bills. As far as my job, I am a clerk at a school, and I do extra jobs here and there at my school, but it is not enough to get me, out of this financial bind. Once I get a car I can work on bringing in extra income. It’s been a struggle for the past year and a half while helping my mom keep her home she’s been in for 20-plus years and being there for my son who is getting his life together after being under the influence heavily of drugs and alcohol. I did what I needed to do to help my family, unfortunately, they are not in a position to help me right now. Please find it in your heart to help me in my situation. Thank you for taking the time to read my request. I have been that giver before, and life can change beyond your control that the giver becomes the requester. Thank you in advance for your help and have a great day!