Hello there,
First, I’d like to thank anyone who has chosen to take the time to read my story. I really do appreciate every one of you.
So, I guess I’ll get into my reason for reaching out…
Since the end of August, 2022 I have been homeless living on the streets, sleeping in a car, outside, at a “friends”…etc. Fortunately through this struggle I was able to find a job which got me off of the streets and into a hotel and gave me a chance to start taking better care of myself. With me during this time was also my beautiful dog and my now, ex boyfriend.
Fast forwarding a bit to about 3.5-4 months ago, my boyfriend at the time brutally attacked me in a hotel I was staying in at the time. I was hit once directly in the mouth and then knocked over and repeatedly punched in the face causing a black eye and my lip to split in 3 different places. I was able to call the police and he was put in jail. Immediately after the attack, I was made to pack up all of our things and move to a different hotel. It has been only my dog and I ever since.
After my boyfriend and I went our separate ways everything in my life became so much better. I was free, happy and became #5 in performance for the whole district at work. I started to notice though that as I healed, nor every injury got better. I came to realize that the impact from the first hit to my mouth had not only pushed back and moved my top, front teeth but that my bottom front gum line had been permanently distorted. I then made the decision to set an appointment with a dentist who told me that because of the damage my teeth are in a really terrible spot and that my teeth will soon start to fall out if I don’t get the necessary treatment and surgery to save them. Of course what they told me I was going to need is almost never covered by insurance and that I would have to pay out of pocket for everything.
I am only 29yrs old and I am terrified of losing all of my front teeth because of one stupid moment…
Alongside that, last Thursday, 06/29/23 I was let go from my job because of something I had no involvement in that was now being blamed on me. This job has been the only reason I have been able to stay sheltered, fed, showered and able to feed my dog as well. To top it all off, as soon as I got back to the hotel after being fired, I was handed a piece of paper that informed me the weekly room rates were being raised by more than $200. Initially I was paying $1,600 a month for my dog and I to stay here and with the raise in price, I would now have to pay $2,300. I have been at this hotel while looking for an apartment for about 3 months and now have no way to pay the original $1,600 a month let alone $2,300. So before this Friday I need to move all of my things from my room and hopefully find a cheaper place for at least the next week and I HAVE to find a job before the week is over. otherwise I will be back to sleeping on the street with my dog with no money to feed her or myself and nowhere to leave her so I can go out to find a job… Everything in my life seems to have fallen apart in one quick swoop and I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t find a way to get some help…
I know my listing has been a lot to read, but once again I truly appreciate you taking the time to listen and I greatly appreciate anything anyone is able to do even if all you can do is send positive vibes…