Greetings. I am a single mother of 5 residing in Frederick, MD. My family and I relocated here from Philadelphia in February 2018. I have faced many challenges while living here, and sadly those challenges are having long term affects on both me and my children. I am really putting forth my best effort to protect them from childhood traumas.
While I do obtain a degree to practice nursing, I chose to be a stay at home mother to raise my children and secure their impressionable moments and safety. I have been a stay at home mom for 11 years. In 2 weeks, the father of my children who I have been committed to for the pass 14 years is choosing to move to Kentucky. I am choosing not to go because of our irreconcilable differences, and because of all the emotional abuse he has inflicted upon me and my children in the recent 5 years. In the recent 3 years, I have grown to recognize how much of a narcissist that I’m involved with. This pass year I endured the untimely loss of my one and only sister. He has full control of everything from the finances to the Netflix passwords. I have no money saved (which is my fault) and I don’t have a place to move into once he leaves for Kentucky. I know that he will not continue to pay the rent here which is $1850/month and I can’t currently afford rent because I don’t have a steady income. He has kept money from me, he has been dishonest about many serious situations throughout the entire marriage, he gaslights, deflects, name calls, manipulates, and intimidates and tries to control my decision making by denying me access to all the things I have rights to. I am very motivated to discover and implement different streams of income, it’s just very hard for me at the moment because I don’t have anything to cushion my stance.
Today, this morning around 9AM, I found out that someone who I called a close friend who I’ve known for about 2 years stole $3,000.00 out of my cash app account. This woman lives across from me and she has been pretending to be a support system to me for the pass 2 years. Yesterday 7/14 I asked her to hold my last $3000.00 in her account just to secure it from being pulled back out of my account by him. She agreed to send it back to me in the morning which is today 7/15. Instead, she sent me a long text message this morning telling me someone stole all her money out of her bank account and cash app account. I filed charges against her after filing a police report this morning. Everything is a process on top of my divorce and my sisters death. When he goes to Kentucky in 2 weeks, I am going to have a very hard time keeping the household running for the remainder of the lease because of this money being stolen from me. I have created this account hoping it will help me and my children a little. I am more hurt over someone who I thought was a friend stealing from me like this and then trying to lie about it. I am also humiliated and disgusted with myself for being too trusting of people I don’t know that well.
Anything that is donated to this account will be greatly appreciated and will be used strictly for the support of my children and I after their father deserts us in two weeks.
Thank you so much and much love and respect to all who share the same pains and traumas and to those who cared enough to read my story and lend a helping hand. You are greatly appreciated.