hello there my name is April I am a 30 year old mother of three wonderful children I have a 12 year old daughter and two boys that are 9 and 10 these children seem to be my entire world without them I’m not even sure I would still be here okay so let’s go into why I’m on here my children’s father is in Mexico and of course I can’t receive any help child support wise or anything so a couple years ago I got out of a really terrible marriage 10 years of complete hell from emotional abuse to physical abuse to just being torn down to the point of no return well I got out and I found a happiness had my own house and car and then I’m at another guy who seemed to be the most amazing person I’ve ever met well we moved in together he convinced me to turn in my car and get one in his name because we needed a bigger one and my credit is not that great so I did that ended up putting my phone in his name because he works for the phone company and it was cheaper and so on and so forth so my sister killed herself May 3rd and then my brother on himself on New Years Eve 9 months later long story short I lost my job of 5 years and went a few months without a job ended up finally getting another job worked for 9 months and my daughter the 12 year old tried to kill herself and ended up in the hospital for multiple days I missed work and again got fired so I finally after 3 months found a at home job finally started getting settled I thought our life was going to go back to normal and it took a complete turn for the worst the guy I was dating started cheating on me which he was extremely abusive anyway but of course I called him out and he could not deal with that so he caused a big scene called the cops on me and moved out that night leaving me with a house that is way too expensive he took my car immediately and that night decided that he was going to spend every day making my life hell for the next month so after he took my car because I used it to make money on the side doing doordash Uber stuff like that he then got me fired from my job and refused to talk to me or help me with anything regardless of what it was he called the cops to my house almost every day for a week and just kept taking more and more from me so now I finally got a new job but I have to ride my daughters bike to work and back which is 6 miles both ways in the rain cold hot doesn’t matter and mentally I’m just ready to give up I’ve never struggled so much in all my life my parents are dead my grandparents are dead I have nobody but my children and I’m just barely hanging on by a thread if I don’t get a car soon I don’t know what’s going to happen we only have a couple of weeks to get our rent paid and I’ve literally only worked one day I’ve got broken screws in my back from back surgery I had when I was 14 and I stay in pain all the time so I’m just asking it’s maybe somebody that could afford to could just help me out just a little and I promise you if the day ever comes that I could pay forward I will thank you so much for reading my story my PayPal is aprilsuaste@icloud.com