Hi, I would like to say first before I proceed that I am really blessed to have stumbled across a website like this whether or not I get the help or donation that I need. It’s also a way to get someone to hear my situation out because it’s a real struggle for a lot of good people.
Hi my name is Marge and
I came from a family of poverty growing up was a struggle. Growing up with a mom and dad. But then when I turned 8 years old I only was unfortunately growing up with just my dad. My mom decided to leave me and my older sister for my dad to raise. Left me and my sister so shocked and confused, Hurt and we always wondering what was the reason And what did we do so wrong? to make a long story short it had to do with a serious mental illness that she never fixed or seek medical treatment for which led her to making a decision like that. So growing up with just my dad raising two girls sadly we both had to experience abuse and neglect, and not feeling the love like a basic normal family should. So as I got older into my teenage and young adult life I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
So with that It has led me to be in relationships with guys Where I am the co dependent party and looking for love that i didn’t have as child . I am striving right now to get out of that situation Because it is a toxic situation especially in relationships with people being codependent. I rack up so much debt I don’t even know where to begin. I have school loans debt which I got it under control because of Forbearance and IBR based on your income so since I don’t have much of income and because of Covid they paused those payments thank God. But what about other things that couldn’t pause people’s payments such as electric bills, car repairs and rent? It was such a challenge. Definitely because I am so codependent on the other person I’m with in a relationship now it’s like they call all the shots like even in my career Decision making. But sadly a little late in my life that I decided to just invest in a career that I have passion for, not someone else’s passion.
That’s why I have accumulated so much debt To the point where I don’t even know what to do. I have 13 credit card debts at least totaling 5000 dollars. I have a 2007 car that’s needing at least 800 dollars in repairs. I have an electric bill That’s like almost $2500. It’s like I could never catch a break even with a payment plan of 480. it’s the rates that go up all the time and everything, it’s so high. Even during summer hours, using the AC I’m afraid because my bill will go sky high.everything pretty much is expensive, I can’t even catch a break. Every time I try something good and positive. There’s always something negative that will try to hold me back or be my downfall. So now I’m in a situation where I’m in need of money to help me out with my electric bill, car repairs and some credit card loan debt that I have .I even have a school loan. I was trying to become a RN nurse but that didn’t work because it was my fiancee’s dream and I was looking at how much nurses make but unfortunately it was like I was set up to fail. First I tried becoming a dental assistant with a school that isn’t Accredited the school closed and ended up with a huge school loan bill. I’m now at this point assuming the healthcare field was not my calling. So unfortunately, but thank God my school loan payments were paused and they were able to do an IDR based on your income. So my payments were 0. Thank God for pretty much right now. I’m just in the Bind. I’m right now in the process of investing . To get my own situation to be happy and go for my dreams, So I am an inspiring realtor investor and a decorator and looking for co-op opportunities. I’m keeping my situation on a hush because if I don’t it will get bashed. Every time I tell someone, especially my toxic partner what my dreams ,and my goals and my hopes are, they tell me that they know someone that tried or did it, and it didn’t work.
There is another reason why my situation definitely needs independence . I’m pretty much a failure in his eyes or people’s view Just because he wants me to do the things that he wants me to do, which was one of them to be a RN. Which isn’t a bad career but it just wasn’t my calling. Second was car wrapping and car window tinting which I also didn’t feel it was my calling So I feel like i was pretty much being set up for failure again. So right now I am in the process of investing with money the right way which is an assistance I get for adopting. I also want to mention that I took in my sister’s daughter’s son because He was in the d c f system. On top of the 5 children that I already had and to be honest I know how it feels to be abandoned. So it really was also like a blessing. So I have a big thing with helping and giving back if I do become successful because I know how it feels to lack and to be codependent and to not strive for what you want. I also want to mention that today I’ve been told by my partner that his plans is to buy a one or two bedroom condo and the kids and me may not be able to go with him and the reason being is because I’m getting old he says I’m only 45 but anyways and I’m still not doing anything with my life that was like a punch in the gut. This is the reason I need the boost of help to get on my feet to pursue my dreams of being independent. I will once I be blessed and become successful I will help people who are in similar situations like me or just need help because I can relate 100 percent for over 20 years.
So that’s why I am blessed to know that there’s always a way and that God always throws us tests and obstacles. It’s up to the person to see what journey to take and how to handle certain circumstances. I also know it doesn’t hurt to ask for help because I know there are good people everywhere and I attract good people because I’m blessed. So therefore, I will be leaving a copy of my electricity bill. I can’t leave anything for my car repairs. Cause I had to verbally go to someone that I’ve been going to for years. Because I can’t even afford to go to a car dealership where they’ll charge you just to tell you what’s wrong with your car, that’s just unbelievable. Again, I just want to thank you. Whoever took the time to read and hear me out. Because I don’t really have a lot of you know friends and family that I could ask help for and also explain in-depth of my situation like I can on this website now. So whoever decides to give a helping hand is definitely a truly blessed person. And definitely I will be grateful and definitely in the future. I will also in return do the same for someone also. So here is my account for generous donations