My house was robbed and then this past week, taking a generator, and 2 jumpers that I use to keep my aquariums well. Hackers left my bank account almost $1000 overdrafted when they hacked the Paypal and Amazon accounts. I had a hard time already spending it on new electric signs for the business., snf making sure who I thought was my best worker, had a good amount (between 2 and 3 thousand) paid to her before her trip. If you want to see I just uploaded Wizz Signs on You Tube. I have fallen asleep 3 times writing this, as the other workers have bailed out on me, and I am trying to complete these jobs but can’t get them done in time for the bills. Plus, I have a 2 week wait for the subout printer to get the prints to us. (My printer was always being repaired) I am behind on taxes by 3 months, I paid a worker before she went on vacation, well before the jobs were paid for, not realizing it would take me a month to redo her jobs twice!! not to mention the terrible costs of the jobs she left behind not useable. I need a printer for the sign shop, a filter for the cylinder aquarium, and a detective to locate the devices that are outside my home and in this business. (I have the IP address), The full amount that would help with the whole situation would be $27,436. Please consider helping. I work very hard, and this would ensure that I could keep my business afloat and keep these orders moving, as I dont have the money to do so at this point. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!
My PayPal is