Hello, I am Nitheesh.
Me and my family is going through a very painful financial crisis. My father died when i was 6 and from that time my mother raised me. She worked so hard, we are not from a financialy strong family. My mother tried many things for living, she did many works and even started some business. Everything failed. Now after 15 years we are in debt of amount of almost 65000 US Dollar. My mom is now 66 years old and My age is 25 years old. Yes I’m a late born child. I born after 12 years after my parent’s marriage.
We were 3 babies, after few hours of birth, my brother and sister died. I survived with the help of incubators and doctor’s skill.
I don’t know want to do, how will I pay back this 65000 US Dollars, I don’t know anything. Evey day I can’t sleep, when i close my eyes I’m afraid thinking about tommorow. It’s like a fire in my chest. I am working in Dubai, but my salary is too less as 2000 AED. And the expense in Dubai is also large for me. My Mom is getting old, she is getting sick, I don’t know what to do, Nobody is there to help us. I’m not able to take the pain in my chest. This is too much of a pressure for my young heart. My heart is paining. I’m not able to think with happiness. My throat is paining. I want to save my mother and myself. I don’t know how.
My mom’s health is very bad, I can’t even think of loosing her. I want money for treatment, for our debt, i don’t know how will i raise this big amount. I used to pray God every day. But it seem like God doesn’t like us. My mom borrowed money from some people and she send me to Dubai to work and make money. But situations in Dubai also very bad, few companies and people fooled me by offering fake job posting and took my money. But I finally got a job but salary is too less.
I got to know about this platform one day and It says there are lot of kind people in this world who will help me. Who are willing to donate me to help me in this painfully situation. May be this is a helping hand from God, I don’t know. I really beg you with hand in my chest. Please bless me with some money, it will really help me to at least stay strong in this situation. Every day I wake with pain in my throat and chest thinking about my mother’s life and my future.
I hope you understand my situation, please donate me. God will bless you! and I will we so much thankful to you for the rest of my like. Please help me release this pain from my shoulder!
The below is my PayPal link.
with hope!