I have never done this before so asking for help like this is a way out of my comfort zone but here it goes. I am a 50 year old woman really down on her luck. My story is long but I will try to just focus on the major recent incidents in my life. My family and I were victims of hurricane Laura a few years back. The hurricane hit just around the time of the COVID quarantines. My husband and I lost our jobs and were displaced. We have been bouncing around ever since. We started doing delivery services because it was the best way for us to earn income while bouncing around with no sustainable affordable place for us to live. It has kept us afloat and has provided our basic needs for the last couple of years. During these couple of years one of my daughters was in an abusive relationship. She was on drugs and not living a clean honest life. Her boyfriend had tried to kill her, pistol whipped her and left her for dead among many many other things he did to her. We finally were able to rescue her from that and she has turned her life around. He is in jail awaiting trial and she is clean and sober for over a year now. She has recently enrolled in school but it’s 45 minutes away. She has been getting a ride from her sister but has been told that her sister can no longer help. She will loose her spot in the program that is helping her pay for it. She had a great job making good money but a family member who she got hired on literally took her job from under her and left her devastated. Another long story. In the middle of this my husband and I also became unemployed. We wrecked our truck and we were out of work for a couple weeks. Hit our finances hard. Once we were able to get another vehicle the transmission went out 3 months later and is now a paper weight. We have been trying to figure out a way to get out of this hole. I have walked into Business within walking distance to apply for jobs, applied online, I have cold called places asking for work with no luck. We are living with our daughter in a one bedroom roach infested apt with her boyfriend and baby. So five of us in a tiny apt. If we could just have some transportation we can work and get out of this dark place. There is so much more to my story it would make someone’s head spin. You could write a book or make a lifetime movie about it as I’m sure you could with many other people’s stories. Its filled with a husband setting himself on fire, to runaways, physical assaults, child abuse, drug abuse, deaths, family cutting us off, hospitalizations for near death or mental issues. Crazy existence. I have history of both sexual and physical abuse at the hands of uncles, brother and mother. All I have ever known is surviving and I have done ok till now. I am begging, pleading, praying for a blessing. I need a car in order to work and that is all I ask. I can get a good enough car for about $4-$5000. I do not need more than that. God has been my strength and my comfort and always will be. But he does say if you don’t ask you won’t receive so I am praying and asking. Thanks for taking the time to read and may God bless you!