Hello my name is Doug and I’ve had a hard few years lately it all started when my best friend hung himself since then I’ve been really depressed recently lost my job due to my depression and having to take care of my disabled parents that’s the reason why I’m here I’ve sold everything I own to help them they’re both on social security but that’s barely pays the bills so I’ve been paying for their prescriptions blood pressure etc. My mom goes in for surgery this Halloween her health isn’t too good I hope she can pull through this one ive never asked. Anyone for anything I’ve always been able to do everything on my own my goal is to make sure my parents live their last years comfortably no more worries my mom knows my registration is due 9n my truck and she knows I can’t afford it seeing her stress more bothers me that’s a little summary of my life thers so much more I don’t know where to begin or end my story I just hope that there’s someone out there that’s can help me get through the dark time and hopefully i can give my parents some good news i would love to see my mom smile again thanks for reading hope you can help.im looking to raise $10,000. My PayPal is.
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