Hello my name is Phoenix. I am a single mother of my daughter who starts university in Hamilton this fall. Things haven’t been too great since the house we were living in for over 10 years was sold and we were evicted. I had to put all our belongings into storage. My daughter has been living at her boyfriend’s family home and I’ve had to stay at my cousin’s in Tweed. 2 months ago I lost my job because I was late one too many times. Work started at 7 and was driving an hour and 20 mins. each way. The commute was just too much, I wouldn’t get home until 8-9 some nights after cleaning all day. I’ve fallen behind in my storage payments and they are going to auction my life away June 30th. On May 25th I crashed my car into the ditch trying to avoid hitting a deer. I left the scene because I didn’t have my cell phone and I was in middle of no where. I had to walk 40 minutes on the 37 hwy to get to my cousin’s place. The police must have come across it between the time I left it and 10 am when we went to go pull it out. It had already been towed to Stirling which is almost an hour away. I have been so broke and don’t have the money to pay the towing company the fees for the tow and storage and they won’t let me take it to collision center until I pay them in full. My insurance can’t pay me until I get it to collision center to be assessed and have to pay a $500 deductable before i can settle with insurance and get a rental for now. I have no family that is alive or in a position to lend me the money and because I’m not working I can’t get a loan anywhere, I’ve tried. I’m going to lose my storage if I don’t pay them $1253.59 by June 21 they are going to auction it off. Our life is in that locker, all my daughter’s baby pictures, our summer clothes and our camping gear which I could use to live in for the summer. And I definitely need to get a car up and going to help my daughter find a place and relocate her to Hamilton for the fall and so I can get back to work. She starts the mid wife program. She wanted to be a doctor but it’s hard to get into medical school and after trying once she decided to change her career choice. She has worked so hard and Id hate to not be able to get her there because I don’t have a vehicle. The tow company is expecting me to pay $900 for storage and towing and I have to pay the $500 detuctible to get things rolling with my insurance claim. So I’m hoping that someone can help with the $2653.57 I need to keep things together. I don’t know what I will do if I lose everything. And can’t get anywhere out here without wheels. This is my last option at saving what little we have left. If anyone is able to help I would be forever greatful. I’d even be willing to take it as a loan and pay it all back. I will definitely pay it forward when I’m back on solid ground. Im amazed that there are people out there willing to help perfect strangers. Thank you to all who took the time to read my story.