I’m not one to ask for anything from anyone, but this last year has been beyond tough. I can’t seem to get ahead no matter what I do and seems like things just keep piling up. I overextended myself and couldn’t see any way-out last year but bankruptcy. I didn’t want to file chapter 7 and lose my car because that’s the only way me and my daughter have to get around to school, work, and I also use it to do Door Dash and Spark deliveries on my off days so, I filed Chapter 13. That lumped everything together into one payment that came directly out of my full-time paycheck. My remaining income was enough to cover expenses along with the side hustles I do. Then right before Thanksgiving my job decided to close the doors for good and my paycheck stopped. I’ve been able to find work, but my current pay is about half of what I was making, and I just can’t see how we are going to continue to make ends meet with the bankruptcy payments and all of the necessity payments. I thought about just converting to Chapter 7 and letting the car go back, but that would actually cut my already lowered income more. Now I file taxes and turns out I owe another $5000 on top of everything else. I don’t know what to do, I feel like just going to live under a bridge, but I couldn’t do that to my daughter. I’m trying the best I can, but I am really tired, and my mental health is shot. If I ever get out of this situation, I’m never coming back to it, but right now I’m begging for any kind of help anyone can give. I don’t know if I’ll make it without it. God bless and thanks to anyone willing to help. paypal.me/inspireus20