Hi my Kendra Haun and I am asking for help to get my granddaughter to her medical appointments next month. I am having a hard time asking for help, as I am usually the one giving when I can. But I am in desperate needs right now. I have had custody of her since she was 3 months old and now she is 7, and she is my world. She has struggled with her Asthma and allergies since she was about 1 years old. She was sent to Children’s Mercy 2 years ago to see a specialist there. Next month she has 2 days of appointments and we see a new Doctor then. I would also love to make it a mini vacation before she goes back to school. I haven’t been able to take her on a vacation due to lack of funds so just getting to go do a few thing would really make her world.
I have a job as a paraprofessional at the school where my granddaughter goes to school which I love. What I don’t love is having the summers off. I can usually save enough money or do stuff to pay my bills during the summer months but this year I had some unexpected expenses. My dad passed away of cancer and Covid on New Years Day we had him cremated. We had his memorial in January but my middle son and his wife couldn’t come then due to her being pregnant and couldn’t come that long of a distance we decided to have a family memorial at a later date. They had lost a baby girl the year before at 7 months so I really wasn’t wanting her to come and have complications. In May we had our Family memorial well do to them just having the baby in February and mom not working they didn’t have much money so I helped them with money to get home. Then my youngest son was living in Louisiana need tires on his truck and gas money for him and his girlfriend to make it back so then I helped them too. I really wanted them there for me and my mom.
I have worked hard all my life my first husband was killed 13 days after we had gotten married. We were together for 9 years before getting married. After raising my 3 boys on my own for 19 years working 2 to 3 jobs to make ends meet, I got remarried but 2 years later he cheated. Been separated and raising my granddaughter on my own for the last 5 year. She is my world right now
I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and she has been so good to me and is such a big helper. She gets thing’s for me and helps me up if I fall down. I really want to give her something special because she is is special to me.
I don’t like to ask for money it really makes me sad. My engine light on my car is on ( so a used car would be great, don’t think I could ask for that much) but I am sure it will make it the 6 hours to her appointment and then back home. The end of August I start back to work and will be making money again.
I would like to thank anyone that can help us out and God bless you all