A few months ago I left a relationship where I allowed myself to become inappropriately financially dependent on my partner. I was very young when we got together, and I made a lot of young, dumb mistakes that led to me having nothing to my name when I left the relationship. So, I moved back into my parents’ house to work hard and earn enough to get my own place.
My father has been physically and emotionally abusive all my life. My siblings and I were beaten from the time we were literally 3 to 15. I grew up hearing my mother scream at my dad, defending us. When my brother and I were teenagers, she had to literally plea with him to not actually take us out into the yard and beat us up, and the only thing that ever stopped him from doing that specific thing was her threatening to leave him – not his love for us, his children. Long-story-short: He was a drywall puncher, to say the least.
My dad has chilled out some now that we’re all older, but my brother no longer speaks to either of my parents after an episode with my father. That has really shattered my dad’s narcissistic view of himself and he’s continued to talk about how he wishes he could physically abused us again, and I’m really scared that this is all building up to an episode where he finally beats my mom – something he’s talked about doing a lot in our one-on-one time. I’ve tried to get my mother out of this, but she won’t leave him, so now I have to worry about myself and my own safety.
So, this is a call for help. I need money to move out of this toxic situation. Anything helps – I just need to get enough to be able to afford a security deposit and a rent payment. I really don’t want to ask people for a specific amount, because it feels like too much to ask for. So, really, anything you can give, I will greatly appreciate.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for being respectful. I wish this wasn’t my life, but it is. Please be kind.
God Bless You All.