I had originally made a post but had some spasms of pain that inadvertently made me send the request partially finished. After waiting for the ones that run this site to answer my message of what happened and how to fix and I have not gotten an answer, I decided to send it again completed. I had a lung collapse, and it took me a long time to heal as best I could. I am short winded and extremely overweight due to the steroids I was taking. I also take steroids and pain medications from the sciatic pain and arthritis that I suffer from daily. I am a domestic violence survivor and the aftermath of that is I lose use of my hands and right leg at any given time due to the painful spasms that goes downward from the back of my head, down my spine, and out to my limbs. So, at any given time I will drop things and/or have my right leg give out. So, I do not go out much. If I go somewhere, its rare and I will stay in once I have gotten to the destination. So, I live in Florida but take vitamin D because they say I do not get enough sun. Yes, I am pale unfortunately. While sick before the lung collapse my fiancé kept blowing all our money. Even though he was working. He then drunkenly started strong arming me and saying I owed him money. So, I decided to leave my hometown than to keep trying to get help that was sparce or nil from police and friends before the situation escalated into another domestic violence situation again but with my ex-fiancé this time. Yes, I made reports and put a restraining order against, but it did not stop him, and they did not catch him. I was not going through that again and the signs in the situation were all there. Plus, I did not want our son to grow up thinking it’s okay to steal, be drunk and violent, or learn to hit women. So, I moved to California with my brother and his ex-wife. That ended up being the wrong decision. The fires there had smoke and ash in the air and I started to decline. So. I stayed in the house there because I did not have enough money to leave yet. I was there two months, and my daughter came and asked us all to go to the casino with her. I took 100 dollars and won on playing my first $20 on a $1 slot machine. I won $3503.40. Then I won again on another game $1040.20. I was so happy and used to money to drive to Florida and pay 1200 rent and 1200 deposit. Paid a deposit on the lights and water. The rest I bought household needs. Beds and such. My daughter got unemployment due to having no job anymore from our original city because of covid that had finally came through and we were fine for some months. Then I caught covid. Her unemployment was over, but she had to take care of me. The city paid our rent due to my covid for a couple months, but this upset the landlord’s wife because she hated waiting for the checks to arrive. She kept saying people were getting evicted as soon as eviction court was back in. That they had too many people not paying rent. When I got better from the covid, social security asked me to do a determination for me to stay on SSI. They then said the money I won in California was deemed income under United States government rules for SSI and my check was being reduced. It mattered not that I did disclose the winnings and explained my situation and how I spent it. At this point a whole year had passed. They stated that the worker who processed me did not do her job correctly and I was supposed to of been penalized. That I also owed them back the payments I received. So, two garnishments. My daughter had been looking for a job and got on but we were already behind in rent. I could only afford utilities and the rent help program had closed that I could apply for rent payments from. We left before she could put an eviction on me. Even though my daughter was working. We did not have enough to pay back rent off at that point and the landlord’s wife did not want to work with me anymore to stay. So, we ended up staying in our car and hotels off and on or friends. but deemed homeless. Due to that. Welfare cut my food monies saying that I no longer paid rent or utilities. That they would bring the amount up once I paid rent and utilities again. Food costs are higher, so we have to pay cash for food and mostly do restaurants or store-bought foods that do not need refrigeration. We take baths at friends’ houses. Now our car has completely broke down and I could not afford to fix. I had to do a voluntary repossession. So, we have been at my older daughters one bedroom efficiency as can. My daughter that takes care of me works part time and has not been able to get enough training for a better job. My oldest only makes enough to cover her car, home and medical bills because she is sickly also. So, she cannot help as she wants. My youngest daughter and I do not have 2.5 times the rent or 3 times the rent that people want for their houses for rent even though I got my full SSI back now, but it is only $914. We can go into the USDA program to get a mortgage for the land and manufactured house together but need a 640-credit score. I am in debt now and am at 523. I need pay down our debt and our mortgage would be feasible for us to maintain with the USDA program. The debt is two credit cards and Fingerhut and internet bill. Totaling $2441. The car we had to send back is at $17, 808.17. But I have to wait for them to take it to auction for a realistic price, so I am only asking for some money for a used vehicle to get back and forth to the doctor and take my daughter back and forth to work. That amount is $8000 for a used SUV. I humbly ask for help with $8000 for a used SUV and help with the debt of $2441. Thank you and bless you all. I appreciate your time in reading my post and any probable help.