I am in need of some help. My daughter and I are starting over and we are homeless. I left an abusive marriage and I didn’t prepare before we fled. We have no where to live, minimal clothes, no toys. We are currently safe but staying with a friend in a studio apartment. I want to show her how strong women can rebuild their lives after something like this. She’s amazing and finds good in every situation and has helped me keep my hopes high. I would like to go back to school or learn a new trade so i can become financially stable. I relied on him for most of that. I heard of this site and thought I would take a chance. We need help with affording a place to live and some clothes. I do get some assistance monthly from the state but it’s not enough to make us financially stable. Every little bit helps. My PayPal link is https://paypal.me/crystalbaker1983?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US