Hello Everyone! I am completely embarrassed to ask for money! I never did this before and feel weird about it! Lol but I am a hard working single mother, who just got a new place and new car and can usually handle my own, but recently a week ago I got fired at my work from home job due to 30 minutes of internet issues and the company blocked me from the project (which is the coldest thing you could ever do to a person). So as of now I am unemployed nor can’t get food stamps until next month due to the system being so messed up! Anything helps an appreciate those who took the time out of their day to read this. When I get the get job back I deserve I’ll make sure to give back and do a good deed as well. For those wanting to help you can message me through via email:
Missiszola98@gmail.com. If you want to donate you can email me first then I can send you my Venmo or cash app what ever works best. Once again folks I want to say thank you so much for the help an advance and looking forward to hear from you soon.
God Bless 🩵🩵