Today, I come to you with a request for your support and generosity. I live in the UK and I work as a freelancer to make a living. The past couple of years have been challenging for many people, in many ways, due to the unforeseen covid pandemic.
During the COVID-19 crisis, my freelance work dried up, and I found myself in lockdown, without any form of income, steady or otherwise. Unfortunately, as a freelancer, I was not eligible for government support, and this led to financial difficulties. Prior to the covid pandemic the changes to IR35 regulation in the UK had had a huge impact on my freelancing work and income level. To make ends meet and cover my living expenses, I had to dip into my savings, once my savings had dried up, I had to rely on my credit card, resulting in accumulating £18,000 of credit card debt. A debt I need help to clear.
This debt hasn’t been accumulated through pointless and unnecessary spending. It has accumulated over the past three and a half years just through the cost of living, buying food and paying bills. The debt grows each month due to interest charges and the ongoing need for me to eat and pay bills. My situation isn’t unique to me, there are many people, whether single, in a couple or have a family to provide for, who are in the same position as me.
I have always been self-sufficient and looked after myself financially, so far, I have been fortunate enough not to have to rely on government money. I have always had savings for rainy day emergencies; however, those rainy days are feeling a little endless at the moment and I need help to clear this debt so I can focus on starting again.
To add to the complexity of life, my landlord has informed me he will be increasing my rent again, I can’t afford the next increase and I have until the end of August to find somewhere new. I will struggle to find anywhere with my current level of debt, which is why I am now biting the bullet and asking for help from strangers.
The freelance market in the UK has been very slow this year, I haven’t had a client since March so I am back to living off very little money, trying to survive in a cost-of-living crisis. No one’s fault, it simply is what it is.
If you find it within your means to lend a helping hand, no matter the amount, I would be incredibly grateful. Your support will not only lift what has become a heavy burden off my shoulders, but also enable me to focus on building something new.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story so far. I hope the chapters to come make a more interesting and uplifting read.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.