I am currently 48 years old and have two children. The two Darawans are preparing for higher education with the intention of becoming a doctor and a chartered accountant. I was disabled in a terrible car accident in August 2022 and had to be hospitalized for several months. As a result, I lost my job as a filling station manager. I have taken a mortgage loan from a bank to build my house, and since I have no income after the accident, I could not pay the installments of the loan. The loan amount I have to pay is US$7500 (Sri Lanka Rupees 2300000). At present, due to non-payment of the loan, the bank has filed a case and is proceeding to transfer my house and land to the bank. Also, my two sons are doing their education, and to prevent their mental breakdown from interfering with their education,
None of these issues have been brought to their attention so far. They don’t know any of this. I cannot spoil their future dreams. My wife suffered an emergency 8 months ago and underwent abdominal surgery, she is still receiving treatment. She also has no job.
On June 07, 2024, the case related to my loan will be heard for the second time in the Badulla District Court, where the verdict will be announced. I must repay the loan amount on or about 07 June 2024. Currently I am in no position to repay the loan amount at all. Due to these reasons I am in a desperate situation and losing everything I have earned so far, the future of my children will be very unfortunate. Since they do not know any of this, I cannot imagine what situation they will be in. There is no point in living as a loser in such a situation.
I never thought of making such a request from you, the generous and kind-hearted people of the world. However, the critical moment is approaching me very quickly. Since I have no other option at this moment, I thought of directing my present situation to you, the kind-hearted, generous ones. For no other reason than that, The only option I can believe to get out of this situation is because of your kind hearts. Your little sacrifice gives me priceless value. That is because your actions will help to contribute a doctor and a chartered accountant to the world in the near future.
Even though I am faced with many challenging problems that I cannot solve, I cannot run away from problems. My only goal is to successfully complete the education of my two sons and make them useful citizens for the country and the world. So even though I am on disability and have no fixed income, over the past year and a half, I have been self-studying architecture and 3D design skills using the internet. From that, I was able to meet the income required for my daily needs to some extent.
So, what I need right now is to seek the help of some kind donors to pay off my mortgage and save my house and land. For that, I declare that I am ready to make any confirmation related to all the matters that I have mentioned above. Since there is no facility for that in this site, I am ready to present any information to you who have a generous heart to confirm whatever you request.
Currently, I do not have the necessary facilities to carry out the architectural design and 3D modeling that I do at a professional level. Currently I have a simple basic computer. It cannot produce professional quality designs. If anyone or generous gentlemen are able to help me get the computer and accessories I need for about US$2500, I am kindly requesting. I can present some of the designs that I have done, but there are no facilities for that in this site.
I bring this to the careful attention of all those who have charitable hearts.
PayPal.me link:
The loan amount I have to pay is US$7500 (Sri Lanka Rupees 2300000).