Hello there, I am very glad to have found a place where there are such generous people. I never ask for hand-outs however over the past year my home bills have exceeded my total income which has caused my disabled (quadriplegic) fiance to fall into a bit of debt. Enough that it has been very difficult to buy regular house hold necessities such as toiletries and groceries. Also we have been forced to use space heaters because we are unable to afford furnace oil. Which has racked up our power bill to nearly $200.00 per month. My fiance being in a wheelchair permanently needs a well balanced diet due to his lack of physical activity to maintain regular digestion etc. Also there are some supplies and over the counter medications that he requires that are unfortunately not covered by his disability. Another issue we are having is that I am unable to work as of right now due to lack of home support. He is completely immobile and requires 24 hour care which leaves me as his primary and only care giver at this time. We have looked into supports however we are unable to afford private care which forces us to have to go through a disability support program with our government. We have not had any progress with this and are still working on it so hopefully I can get back to work. That being said…in the meantime we are making less than $1000.00 per month and our bills total to approximately $1200.00 this is including an estimated cost for groceries, mortgage, insurance, power, telephone. Not including the unexpected costs of certain supplies and meds he may need. Also we do not have a vehicle and in our situation with me being unable to leave my fiance without someone to stay with him I usually have to rely on other people to run my attends for me to get to the food bank (because we are unable to afford grocery stores) and to pay what I can afford to pay on the bills. The first priority is the mortgage and insurance because we can’t lose our home and next is our power bill. As the days and nights are getting colder still we have had 2 space heaters running non stop and I’m worried if the power bill gets much higher they may shut it off which will leave us with no heat at all. We have applied for small personal loans just to get caught up however because we are both unemployed noone will sign us for a loan. We really just need a little help to get back up to par and hopefully in the next couple months I can get back to work. Anything will help if we could just have something to put a little on our bills and get a decent not of groceries. If anyone is willing to help us out in our very tough time we would surely be so grateful. Also we are definitely generous people ourselves and love to help others even in our time of need. It’s just who we are. So the favor would definitely be paid forward when possible. Anyone who would like to donate,
our PayPal link is https://paypal.me/mdlw81?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US
Thank you in advance for any help we can gather.