I am a mom of two teenage girls who are 15 and 13 now. I have worked my entire life, but I recently had to quit my past job. The situation was so toxic my mental state honestly couldn’t bear anymore with everything I had going on. They were very demeaning employers and there came a point when I had to stand up for what I believed in, so I quit. I do have another job but not near the money I was making before. I thought it would all work itself out, but I have literally just been scraping by. I am a month behind on almost every bill I have. On top of that my previous employer did not pay me my 3rd commission check nor my yearly bonus adding up to $10,000 or more dollars. I reported it to the labor board but so far nothing has been done at all even though I have the paperwork i need as proof. School is approaching and I have nothing bought or nothing to buy it with. They start on August 24th, and they are 8th grade and 10th grade and the last thing I want is for them not to have what they need. Their father is not in their life as that was one of the things that was going on in my life when I had to quit my job. I found out the man I had known and been with for 14 years was not the person I thought. He was living a second life with another woman but was actually trying to use us as a cover. He was actually into the same sex and wouldn’t just tell everyone that. It is fine but it’s not fine to lie to me over it. That has taken its toll on me as well as I am sure you can imagine. I had a beach vacation planned for my kids also because that’s all they wanted this year was to be able to go because we haven’t been to the beach in years, but I’ve had to cancel that as well. I feel like such a failure as a mom, but I know I’m not I’m just a girl in need at this time and will appreciate the help and will one day pay it forward to the next person. Thank you for your kindness you have no idea how much it would be appreciated!
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