Hi. my name is timothy im 48 years old and im in need of help please..my situation it starts back in 2006 when i had my first heart attack..come to find out it wasnt my first i had tiny ones but didnt feel them according to my cardiologist.. Well i had 2 more heart attacks since that one ..so i was told im not able to work so i applied for disability and was turned down i filed 2 more times only to be denied both times. not knowing wat to do and not able to work i had moved in my parents house with them.. I ended up finding work thanks to a friend and started working about 2 years after that my moms condition got worse. She had MS long story short she ended up passing away but this is were it gets worse my dad the hole time never told any of us kids that he had colon cancer so 2 months after my mom passes my dad is in the hospital i got the call around 2 am telling me he was in hospital but didnt know why. didnt know about the colon cancer so my brother tells me he only has a few weeks to live ..so i was going to see him first thing in morning.. Right before im about to leave i get a call from my nephew telling me my dad passed away ..i was shocked how did 3 weeks got 3 hours..i never got to goto hospital it killed me..so after that my brother needed a place to go i let him move in with me well he come home one night after going to a friends to watch the bruins in stanley cup and i needed to borrow a few bucks well what u dont know is that he was a bad alcoholic and wen he was drunk he wasnt a good person.. so we ended up having words and he ended up leaving to walk to store to get cigerettes and that was the last time i ever seen my brother he was hit by car crossing the street the lady was on her phone trying to beat the yellow light took him right out of his shoes…so i eneded up moving to were iam currently in north charleston south carolina with my other brother and ended up getting work .. i worked for this company for 7 years and then boom i have the worst heart attack of them all.. all i remember is that the doctor said he had to kill me and shut my bladder kidneys and heart down so he could shock me to put my heart back into rhythm.. he said that then dont worry ill bring u back on the first try ..nexted thing i kno i hear my name and im like yeah he says how do u feel ,i said u already do it he says yes but i had to shock u twice so that heart attack was so bad only 27 percent of my heart works and i had pacemaker surgery done..well now i cant go back to work and i dont kno anyone here that will help me and my brother has enough to deal with.. so right now i already filed twice for disability here with and attorney first time denied and my appeal was denied..second time with different attorny i was denied and i just appealed it so im waiting ..but im currently homeless and walking all night long to the point my feet and ankles swell up so bad because my heart cant push blood thru me fast enough being so weak..i have a heart monitor that needs to be plugged in so if something does happen to me they will know were i am to get help to me but i have no place to plug it in ..ive called churches and housing but they have no vouchers for hotel to get of these streets.. i already had all my clothes stolen from me twice and im bout to give up because i cant get any help ..i pray every day that something will go in my favor but its all a waiting game but i can no longer walk around because the police will harrass me because im sitting outside of walmart or starbuck going to arrest me and give me a no tresspassing notice..im just trying to be safe and relax for an hour..well ty for taken the time to read this …i greatly appriciate any help i can get i kno i didnt run out of hope and faith that angels will answer my crys for help,,