Dear Kind-Hearted Donors
Today, I come to you with a humble plea for financial assistance. I am in difficult situation, unemployed and indebted heavily. I am sick person who has spent ninety years of my life taking care of my now deceased family members, both whom were bedridden. This sacrifice act of love and responsibility has drained my body as well as my mind, rendering me jobless. However, due to the fact that I have stayed far from work for quite a while now am in debt. Bank loans, and medical debts have quickly amassed such that i drown in debt with no sign of relief. Currently, my obligations sum up to $41,600 including the accumulated interests and fees of my bank loans and other debts. I find myself in a very critical state because all my resources and savings are gone before starting to take the loans. I cannot make both ends meet and neither can afford basic things like utilities and food.
My panic attacks are associated with my legal and financial situation which has helped in increasing my complicated health issues. I live in a country with a very high unemployment, fast growing inflation and struggling economy. There are limited job opportunities, and the competition for available jobs is high. even though I have tried as hard as possible, no one has hired me so that I can start repaying my loans and become financially sound again. I know that my demand is substantial but am in a serious need.
I am hoping to win over my current difficulties and reconstruct my life. I can start addressing my debts, receive medical treatment to relief my pains so I can work hard to get any kind of a job. So any help no matter how little it may be, would mean the world to me, and would certainly make a difference. This compassion of yours would restore my hope and embolden me to stand firm during these trying times. I appreciate you taking time to read. your kindness and generosity will always be remembered.
Blessed be all of you by our Lord Jesus Christ.