I have a virus in my body called Epstein Barr Virus. This particular strain that I have gives you Mono. So just like Chicken Pox comes back later as Shingles the Mono strain attacks many parts of your body. It attacks your endocrine system which includes your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary & ovaries. Basically goes after everything that makes your body function properly. It has affected every part of my life. I have absolutely no energy at all. I drag myself wherever I need to go. If I walk the slightest distance I am completely winded. I have always been athletic & very active. This has completely turned my life upside down. I don’t sleep well at all so when I get out of bed in the morning it takes me hours before I can function even a little bit. This has completely gotten in the way of me working. At least in regards to me going to a job because I would never be able to get myself there on time or not be in a zombie state the entire time. I found a great program that will help me get healed from this so I can function again & have my life back. I am starting a business from home so I don’t have to worry about getting fired but I still need to pay my rent & other bills but it would be nice to not have this virus causing me more problems. I need about $6000 for the program & another $3000 to cover rent & other bills. If anyone would be so kind to help me in any way you can send money to PayPal at tinacalcara@gmail.com