Relocation for safety.
My daughter and I are in desperate need of escaping and for a fresh start. Our life has been nothing but depressing and hard. I struggle with severe PTSD, anxiety, and extreme depression/suicidal thoughts. However I do remain faithful and hopeful in the the future will be better.
Hello, my name is Emily I am 22 years old. My daughter Rosalee is a 3 year old that is very smart and super sweet. As you could imagine financially being as young as I am and having a child in today’s economy it’s been rather difficult just surviving. My daughter was born right before the covid-19 pandemic and believe it or not we managed to stay afloat throughout those times somewhat comfortably. Expect for one key element the father of my child. Him and I have dated with a few separations in the mix but overall 7 years we met back in highschool. Well after my daughter was born we decided to start living together started on his mother’s couches until I saved up enough money for us three to get an apartment. Once we moved in everything began to unfold with my spouse/childs father. He wouldn’t work, wouldnt help me with basic chores or tasks, he took poor care of our child and also the dog I decided to get him for a birthday present. He also started participating in inappropriate activities at inappropriate times. He wouldnt listen and he has had many immoral issues I couldn’t stand taking much more of. I had tried to get him to move out assuming since I paid for everything in full he would comply. Nope, one thing lead to another next thing I know I’m a survivor of domestic violence. Gosh I hate that word victim but you get the overall picture. He had assaulted me infront of my daughter when she was only 1 1/2 years old naturally after the event I called authorities. Once they arrived I was denied access to medical attention because my daughter couldn’t ride in the ambulance with me nor was I about to leave her with somebody who just assaulted me. I’m waiting for my mother to come assist me and get my baby girl. As she arrived however she did end up retrieving my daughter but because my assaulted was roughly 20 feet away from me staring at me the moment the cops asked me if I wanted to press charges and the ambulance had left already. I was scared and I said no. Well in the county I live in of Multnomah County, Oregon I was then arrested and taken to jail. It was probably the most horrible event I had ever experienced when the people who protect me have also brought me great injustice. This allowed my abuser to then get a FAPA restraining order take my daughter, take my apartment, he threw away everything I owned. I thought going to jail was bad the storm had just gotten much worse. My abuser at one point decided he wanted me back around and used his protective order against me to manipulate me with fear. I was held hostage for around 10 months of nothing but stress, abuse, and extreme anxiety. I had endured the most horrific year of my life and all to be in my daughter’s life. Shes still very young and I’m trying to get her potty trained so she can start day care so I can go back to work and become independent but as of now I’ve been stuck in a very difficult toxic situation. I just need some help to clear some of the debt my childs father has put me in, as well as of course get my name off the lease, legal help, and moving costs. Resources are scarce where I live due to the homeless crisis in my community. I’ve hoped and prayed for a ticket out of this hell and for my daughter Rosie and I to be able to live happily and peacefully. For whatever chances this post is worth us getting to turn a new life of life it is worth me taking the time to write this. Thank you for let alone reading my story and hearing me out. I’ve felt silenced for a very long time now. Hope whoever stumbles upon this will be kind enough to even spare the most little amount of help would be greatfully appreciated much more than you’d ever know.