Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this. I’m a 31 year old who works part time and takes care of a disabled parent the rest of the time. I have worked part time through COVID, thankfully not having to rely on unemployment like many unfortunately have. The reason I’m on here asking for help is because over the last couple of years to make ends meet I’ve been having to put more and more on my credit cards, and I’ve been sinking further and further into debt. At first I was able to pay them off. Then I had to charge more since most of the following pay check went towards the credit card bills. Then I had to charge more. Then I could no longer pay them off completely and I had to make partial payments, and all the while I had to continue to rely on the cards to make ends meet and help support the household needs. Then a couple months ago it happened. I maxed the cards out and could charge no further. Now I’m just in a horrible cycle of paying the minimum payments on each one and trying but failing not to use them again. I don’t see anyway out of this horrible cycle. I just want to get these cards paid off and not use them anymore. When COVID started up and got worse my hours were cut down to 10-15 a week for a long time and I couldn’t find much else to do. My hours slowly began to rise again over the last half of last year but it was too late, the debt was already built up to nearly the breaking point. So far this year my hours have stayed a steady 20-25 a week and I do what I can to try to pick up extra shifts and earn more money. I’ve even turned to sites to do surveys to earn cash, which works but pulls in about 20 a week which definitely helps but isn’t making any progress in paying these bills. I’m trying to raise money to pay off my credit card debt so I can start over fresh, especially now that my hours are slowly returning to normal. I lay awake trying to think of what I can do and I honestly don’t know anymore. The amount I need to pay off all the bills is about $4,500.00. I know to some it may not seem like a huge amount but to me it’s a fortune and I just need a little help. A little here and a little there and I can have this paid off in no time. If 1000 people reading this could send me $4.50, my goal would be met and my life would go back to normal.
Thank you all for your time. My PayPal.me is paypal.me/MAustin864. Anything that you can send will be a tremendous help and will be very very much appreciated. Thank you. I’m attaching a screenshot of one of the bills, as the other 2 apps blackout the screenshot.