My ex, of 23 years, who is a habitual liar and bully, has charged me with 3 domestic violence charges against him which are absolutely untrue. He he has had me arrested and ousted from our home. He has stopped my access to accounts. He has moved his new woman into our home. I am staying with the elderly gentleman for whom I am carer.
I need $10000 for legal fees to defend myself in court against these charges and also to force a property settlement. I have arranged a court hearing in two weeks and thought I could defend myself as all his charges are untrue. I have scoured the net for advice on court procedures but am frightened as I have never been to court before. I have never been jnvolved with the law in any way.
I have affidavits etc from friends and neighbours. I have done all I can to help myself but desperately need legal help ito go to court. I know I will win.
I never imagined being in this position. I have nobody I know who has that much cash available. I have no children. I have seen all the welfare agencies and can receive help with court costs on the day but that is all.
I am really scared and need help.
Thank you. I will be forever in your debt.