December 4th 2020
while at work 1:36 in the afternoon preparing for a storm. I slipped and fell off my truck. with over 20 years of service to my company. I left that day in an ambulance. after spending a day in the hospital, I left to go home not knowing what was going to happen. two years and 8ish months later plus two surgeries. I am unable to work.
I was recently discovered and had moved bought a place. sold my brand new truck. downsized to a clunker and set my life up. not long after this accident happened.
I had to have my rotator cuff surgically repaired in four places. Plus had my bicep muscle reattached. still in pain amd a year of complaining was sent for a mri. which showed I also crushed 3 vertebrae in my neck. Which required cervical fusion in my neck. and to this day I am still having problems. unable to work and only getting a % of my pay. im at the end i have nothing.
ive done everything i can to this point.
- car repoed
- tax lean
- hoa lean
- heading towards foreclosure.
- electric will be shut off end of the month. I don’t know what to do anymore I have no where to go if I lose my place, I’ll be on the street. I’m truly begging for help. only thing I’ve been able to do is pay my child support. everything else has fallen behind and I can’t catch up. I have applied for every assistants available. and have been denied . I have had to make decisions on food or medication or pay a bill. I have had 2 heart attacks so have a tons of meds I have to take. this is not where I’m supposed to be in life at 50 years old. can’t stop worrying or crying everyday life has to get better right ? anything will help. please