I am embarrassed to have to do this so please call me Ms C. I have been thru the worst year ever and the years before weren’t easy. I took care of a family member with cancer for a few years after they died it was my last immediate family. Then both my furbabies got sick and passed. Sometimes I am still dumbfounded by it all. I was the one who wanted to always make sure my loved ones would not die alone and now I am alone. All this caused me to go back into debt and I am at risk of losing car and home. I have tried auctions ect nothing helped. I plan to work what I can but this mountain needs to be moved. My health isn’t the best as far as joints ect and hard to be on my feet at times. I am.looking at going back to writing because I know there is a purpose for all I have faced and some of it could help someone. If you are reading this and have the extra funds to help me. I would very much appreciate the help. Thank you