I’m 51 and was left to fend for myself and my mentally ill 22 yr old daughter whom is now 6 months pregnant when my husband left a few years back.It has been one nightmare after another We survive on my income of 914$ a month which is what I draw from SSI .I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma last October and the first day of my treatment my car broke down .Luckily cancer cares and a family member was able to help me get back and forth to my treatment and I am in remission now but because of my daughter’s illness I have Noone that us willing to help get her back and forth she has outbursts and temper problems Our home is also literally falling in it needs new roof and plumbing repairs I only have one working sink in bathroom and the back if house ceiling has fell in .I try my best everyday to cope with our situation but it has become even more difficult to bare with the pregnancy As a parent you are supposed to be able to provide and keep your children safe and secure and u feel as if I have failed it is bad enough to watch your child lose thierself to a disease and feel so helpless but because of my low income I cannot fix repairs on my house nor fix my car I really am starting to feel hopeless I pray everyday and night as I also thank the good Lord for what we do have but I honestly do not know what I’m to do or how am I possibly going to make this all work for us and a baby like I said I an desperate and I need support and prayers
PayPal me @thankspayitforward