Please help me support my daughter and granddaughter.
This is my daughter and I in 2019. She had been having a lot of medical issues that repeatedly were dismissed as menstrual cramps. For years she was accused of seeking pain meds and told to stop being such a big baby. Then one day when she was being seen by a urologist, who again was dismissing her pain and symptoms, the Physicians assistant mentioned to my daughter that she thought she had “xyz”. The urologist was so mad about the PA giving my daughter a possible different diagnosis, she was fired. My daughter ended up in kidney failure the next day and was set up for emergency surgery to correct her kidney failure. She had what the PA suggested and my daughters life was saved.
I live in Colorado and she lives in Oregon. As soon as I heard the news I drove to Oregon and took her to her surgery in Portland Oregon at OHSU.
Here we are nearly 4 years later and my daughter is supposed to be turning 32 in April.
She had a baby prematurely due to pre eclampsia, on January 18th. She was due the middle of February. She was given a BP med to keep her from having a seizure or stroke because they were losing her. They performed the c section and both mom and baby survived. Baby has no hearing. Mom continued to have difficulty and they put her back on oxygen. To my surprise they both were released on January 20th. One of her sisters drove to help her with three young girls in tow, 3, 9 and 13. After staying their first night together at home, my daughter woke up and told her sister I think I need to see my doctor. She asked her sister if she could feel the lump and her sister replied that she didn’t need to feel it because she could see it sticking out of her neck. Bigger than a golf ball but smaller than a baseball.
My daughter was taken to the urgent care where they wasted no time in sending her to the emergency room. They did a cat scan and found a mass in my daughters chest. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer when her daughter was 3 days old. She had a biopsy this week on Tuesday morning. She met with a Thoracic surgeon later that day who told her she has a tumor on her heart and that he can try to remove it from her heart after she completes chemo and has a positive result. She was told she has Thymic Carcinoma and would need to begin treatment asap.
Tomorrow morning (Thursday)she is scheduled for a surgical procedure to insert a port and prepare her for chemotherapy and radiation. Friday morning she has her first appointment with oncology.
I am my daughters person.
The father of the baby is very adamant he doesn’t want anything to do with my daughter or his newborn now because they are broken.
I am still in Colorado because I don’t have the funds needed to be there.
Her sister has to get back to her home 3 hours away in Corvallis so her two girls can get back to school and so she can get back to work.
My daughter needs me to care for her and her newborn while she goes through this. She was told this is going to be a few months longs process with no guarantees because this cancer is rare and has up to a 5 year life expectancy to varying degrees depending on how far the cancer has spread. We will know more about life expectancy once the biopsy results arrive.
Until then we fight.
We must focus on getting her this treatment and as much time as we can with her little girl.
The truth is she could be gone in just a couple of weeks.
Please please please I beg of you, please help me go be with my daughter and granddaughter for this difficult time. So much has to be done. I cannot handle this on my own. I already spent all I had in savings to for other family members last year like my grandma who passed away the end of September. She was 97 years old. I miss her so much and can’t hardly believe I am going to lose my daughter now as well.
If you can help me, together we can get her more time with her new little one. Because she is a fighter. And so am I. Please please please help me with this urgent situation. All funds donated will be used for me to be with my daughter and support her in whatever she and my grand baby need.
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